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Rafael Cruz: The Obergefell Decision Said Marriage 'Could Be Between Two Men And A Horse'

Last night, Rafael Cruz, a longtime Religious Right activist and father of Sen. Ted Cruz, campaigned on behalf of E.W. Jackson, who is seeking the Republican nomination to challenge Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine in November. Speaking at Rock Church in Virginia Beach, Cruz claimed that the Supreme Court's 2015 Obergefell ruling, which struck down state marriage equality bans, had legalized marriage "between two men and a horse."

Asserting that it is imperative for Christians to elect candidates like Jackson who understand the separation of powers and will rein in the courts, Cruz said that the Supreme Court's marriage ruling was nothing but an effort to "destroy the traditional family."

"Let me tell you another two words that are not in Article 1, Section 8: The word 'marriage' or the word 'family,'" Cruz said, arguing that the court had no right to decide this issue in the first place. "That decision of the Supreme Court on June 26 of 2015, where they said that God got it wrong and marriage was not just between one man and a woman, it could be between two men and a horse. But basically, that decision was much more than same-sex marriage, it was, at the heart of it, the destruction, or the attempt to destroy, the traditional family."