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Rafael Cruz: Obama And Liberals Want To 'Do Away With The Bill Of Rights'

Rafael Cruz is pretty sure that President Obama and liberals would love to scrap the Bill of Rights in order to achieve their dream of creating a totalitarian, Marxist government and destroy religious freedom.

The conservative political activist and father of Sen. Ted Cruz told “Faith & Liberty” host Dave Garrison on Tuesday that President Obama and Fidel Castro are two peas in a pod, claiming that both leaders “operate by the same rulebook” in their supposed attempts to “embrace socialism,” “eliminate the concept of God” and “make the people serfs of the government.

“As a matter of fact, I think if the left had their way, they would do away with the whole Bill of Rights,” he said.

Cruz also warned on the same program that Obama is intent on seizing people’s guns in order to follow the Stalinist model of killing millions of people.

Garrison even gave us at Right Wing Watch a shout-out, which prompted Cruz to claim that we are “persecuting” him just as Jesus Christ was persecuted.