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Rachel Hamm Begged God to 'Please Send This Death Angel to Kill These Globalists'

In 2022, Rachel Hamm decided to run for secretary of state in California because, she claimed, "Jesus himself" appeared in a closet in her home and told her to do so. Perhaps not surprisingly, Hamm's campaign was filled with wild tales and conspiracy theories, especially about the 2020 presidential election.

Certain that she had been anointed by God, Hamm repeatedly warned that nefarious forces were going to try to "steal" the election from her. When she did inevitably fail to make it beyond the primary, Hamm predictably insisted that the election had been stolen.

In the wake her loss, Hamm has since become convinced that she is destined to serve as press secretary for former President Donald Trump, whom she believes God has "anointed" to be president again. She has urged her viewers to pray daily for Trump and against the people she says are partnering with Satan to keep him from getting elected again.

As such, Hamm has begun regularly traveling to Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, where she has rubbed shoulders with the former president, as well as the likes of Rep. Ronny Jackson, Kari Lake, Roger Stone, and other MAGA "celebrities."

While Hamm's proximity to Trump and those in his circle is disconcerting, it becomes even more alarming in light of some recent videos that Hamm has posted.

In March, Hamm released a video in which she claimed to have learned that "globalists" plan to kill most of humanity, which prompted her to ask God how she should respond. She insisted that God had responded by ordering her to "decree" that he would send a "death angel" to the U.S. Capitol in May to kill a wide swath of elected leaders.

"[An angel] said, 'I'm here to tell you your prayers and decrees have been heard and the date has been set. The death angel will visit the Capitol in the month of May,'" Hamm announced. "I'm here to tell you that an angel came to our house and told us that the death angel is visiting the Capitol in the month of May."

When most of May passed without the prophesied deaths taking place, Hamm posted another video in which she literally prayed that God had not changed his mind and would, in fact, send the "death angel" to "kill these globalists" as he had promised.

"Lord, please don't change your mind," Hamm prayed. "Lord, even now we do agree in Jesus' name, please send this death angel to kill these globalists who have told us they want to kill 85 percent of us. And so, Lord, we need you to intervene. We need you. We need you. We're completely lost without you. We need you to step in and send the death angel, in Jesus' name."

Given that it is now the beginning of June and neither the U.S. nor any other world government has been wiped out, it appears as if Hamm's prophecy did not come to pass. And while we can be grateful for that, the fact that someone like Hamm has managed to make her way into Trump's orbit is certainly cause for concern.

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