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‘Prophets’ Say Trump Knows God Got Him Elected, Pray To Expose Leakers

Frank Amedia, the Trump-supporting “prophet” who hosted the POTUS Shield gathering in Ohio earlier this month, told participants that President Trump acknowledged to him that God is responsible for his election:


I said to the man’s own face, ‘If you didn’t see God got you elected, with all the mistakes you made, and how you should have lost this election 50 times, then you will never see God.’ And he said, ‘I know it was God.'

Amedia served as “Christian policy liaison” for Trump’s campaign, where he was part of the “Amen corner” of dominionists and prosperity gospel preachers who rallied around Trump at a time when most of the institutional leaders of the Religious Right were still backing Ted Cruz.

Given that background, it’s not surprising that there was plenty of Trumpism on display at the Ohio gathering. Mark Gonzales, who heads the Hispanic Action Network and made his Christian-nation goals abundantly clear, led prayers for Trump’s appointments and for the success of the administration’s first 100 days.

“You’ve got all these 30-year-old kids that are running America, or so they think,” he said. “Hello. That’s why we’re here.” He said God will navigate the country through this period by God guiding Trump’s young advisers through dreams and visions—maybe even nightmares. He said he’s praying every day for “God’s people” to be put into positions of authority, declaring, “We need God’s A-Team to come to the top of this application process.”

Gonzales prayed that God would put an end to leaks that have been troubling the White House:



God, we pray for these leaks that keep coming out of the White House. Lord, we pray for these leaks that are coming out of the White House. Lord we’re declaring, we don’t know who’s doing it, where it’s coming from but we’re coming to you today to say, Lord, we’re getting to the bottom of it through the spirit. We get to the bottom of this issue. God, continue to expose it. God, continue to bring it forth, and whoever the culprits are, God, that would try to damage our country, and damage our national security, Lord, we call, bring it to a halt this day. We bring it to a halt this morning.

Gonzales also unleashed a very Trumpian attack on the media:

We say, enough with the media! Enough with the fake news! Enough with personal agendas! Enough with leading the nation in the wrong direction! You continue to expose the New York Times, the Washington Post. Lord, you continue to move.

Amedia said he was “darn near killed, trashed, and thrown out of town” when he told people back in June 2015 that Trump would be elected president. He said that POTUS Shield was “birthed of the Lord” at 3:30 a.m. on November 9. God told him, he said, that the divine assignment of getting Trump elected had been accomplished and now it was time for the next assignment.

POTUS Shield also met in Washington, D.C. around Trump’s inauguration. Its Ohio meeting was meant to kick off a series of events this year and next in cities that were chosen in part to correspond to prophecy.