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'Prophet' Jeff Jansen Declares, 'It's Revolution Time,' Says Trump Will Be Back in Office in June

Jeff Jansen, a self-proclaimed “prophet” who was among those who guaranteed that former President Donald Trump would win reelection in 2020, posted a video on his Facebook page Saturday in which he asserted once again that Trump will soon be put back in office.

Jansen, who led Global Fire Ministries International in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, until he was recently fired "due to a pattern of making poor moral choices, and bad coping mechanisms, character flaws," and "unscriptural and unbiblical behavior," declared earlier this year that the United States was actually under martial law as the military prepared to remove President Joe Biden from office and reinstall Trump.

Jansen originally prophesied that this would happen by June, but in March he updated his prophecy to declare that it would actually happen by the end of April. Despite the fact that April came and went with Biden still in the White House, Jansen continued to insist that his prophecy was accurate.

In a video urging people to watch the speech Trump was scheduled to deliver to the North Carolina Republican convention Saturday night, Jansen reverted back to the June deadline of his original prophecy, insisting that Biden will soon be removed and replaced by Trump.

"President Trump is going to be addressing the GOP and the nation," Jansen said. "Watch what happens. I said by spring, which starts officially June 23, we'd be dancing in the streets. The Trump administration is on its way in; the pedophilia Biden administration—the fake administration—Biden's administration is on its way out. I don't care if you like it or not, it doesn't matter. We all know what took place, and God is going to do something amazing in this nation and through this nation. It's revival time. It's revolution time."

For the record, spring does not start on June 23, as Jansen claimed. It actually began on March 20, 2021 and ends on June 20, 2021.