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‘Prophet’ Claimed ‘Tide is Turning’ on Coronavirus Two Weeks Ago

"Prophetic" speaker Sean Bolz (Image from Feb. 12, 2020 Fox News story)

The Christian Broadcasting Network is promoting a short e-book(link is external) by “prophetic” author and podcaster Shawn Bolz about how to pray against the coronavirus. “God has a plan,” Bolz told Fox News(link is external) earlier this month. He delivered the core prophetic message of the e-book two weeks ago, when he declared (link is external)in Charisma, “The Lord showed me the end of the coronavirus. The tide is turning now!”

Since Bolz’s Feb. 28 column in Charisma, the tide has definitely not turned in the U.S., where the number of cases has climbed dramatically(link is external) to 1,700 as of Friday—and is certainly underreported given the ruinous(link is external) lack of capacity(link is external) in the U.S to test people for the virus. But Bolz blames “the enemy” (Satan) and the media for promoting fear.

The e-book, “Standing in Faith Against Coronavirus” includes this “prophecy”:

The Lord showed me the end of the Coronavirus. The tide is turning now! God is on the side of humanity. He is answering the prayers and cries of the nations and is putting an end in sight. The exaggerated fear based tactics of both the enemy and several media outlets for political reasons is coming to an end. The enemy has been trying to distract and steal from several equally important purposes and issues by dominating airwaves with conspiracy and fear.

Within a short amount of time, the extreme threat will feel like it is in the past. God is using prayers from around the world as a highway for healing and to bring about solutions in a mighty way.

As Bolz acknowledges, there is a natural cycle to the spread of the virus. Science-based social-distancing strategies(link is external) spreading across the country are meant to “flatten the curve(link is external)”—slow the spread of the virus so that the health care infrastructure is not overloaded at its peak. And as Bolz also notes, work is underway to develop a vaccine.

Bolz’s e-book, which the CBN story notes can be downloaded for free, includes Psalm 91—which talks about God and his angels protecting people from the powers of evil—prayers for protection and healing, and three pages of “declarations” claiming health and protection and rejecting fear.

Bolz predicted(link is external) in February that Trump would be reelected and have an encounter with God that would result in "more boldness" in his second term.

Bolz’s podcast, “Exploring the Prophetic,” is distributed on Charisma’s podcast network. In 2018, Bolz wrote for Charisma that the Supreme Court was part of God’s “blueprint” for America and that Brett Kanavaugh’s nomination was an answer to prayer. “Let’s prophesy him into place,” Bolz wrote(link is external), “but also pray for his heart to come into the very necessary conviction that God intends for him to have with a Spirit of God’s wisdom and Revelation.” Bolz also “prophetically” stated that God will give Trump another Supreme Court vacancy to fill.