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Pro-Trump ‘Prayer Warriors’ Declare Media ‘Demonic’  

Lance Wallnau talking about Seven Mountains Dominionism at the 2018 Values Voter Summit (Photo by Jared Holt for Right Wing Watch)

President Donald Trump’s right-wing backers have long joined in his attacks on media outlets that are anything short of reverential in their coverage of the president. In recent days, a couple of pro-Trump “prayer warriors” have gone a step further, denouncing the media as “demonic.”

Intercessors for America, an ardently pro-Trump ​prayer network that is closely allied with Paula White’s One Voice Prayer Movement, promoted an article Tuesday claiming that mainstream media and social media platforms are employing the “demonic force” of deception, promoting an agenda that “happens to line up with goals of the principality of tyranny.”

Lance Wallnau, a dominionist author who promotes Trump as God’s anointed, recently declared, “Fighting with Trump is fighting with God” and blamed demons living inside journalists for “all of the animosity, hatred, venom, and vitriol” that is stirred up against Trump.

In Tuesday’s IFA article, contributing writer Michael Guidera wrote that the media has a responsibility to report truthfully and without bias​ but claimed that they are no longer able to do so because they have been “corrupted” by the devil. The media, he wrote, employ a number of “deceptive techniques,” including one borrowed from the serpent who tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden: “Just a Little Poison, mix truth with a lie.”

Guidera ​continued:

Prior to election night in 2016, the democrats thought they would win.  A miracle happened and they lost. Panic set in as they realized that without the control of the White House, their corrupt deeds could be exposed. A playbook was written to keep the country in chaos for the next four years. Each event was carefully crafted to try and take Trump out of office​. … How is this plan not understood by the public for the fraud that it is? Enter stage right, the mainstream media. They have failed to report the truth and use deception to keep the American public in the dark. Even worse, they have twisted the truth to make it look like good is evil, and evil is good. They have deceived much of the public into believing Trump and all his supporters are traitors to the Constitution and the democrats are the saviors. It is the most bizarre delusion ever conceived in the history of our nation.

“All crimes have a motive, all demonic activity has a purpose,” concluded Guidera. “Deception is being used to fool people into choosing tyranny over freedom.”

Guidera asked people to pray with him “against these evil forces that are trying to fundamentally change the direction of our country” and to ask God to raise up “righteous journalists.”

Guidera also complained about “censorship” by media platforms, noting that Facebook rejected a paid ad for IFA’s “Voter Prayer Guide” because “it is associated with a Page that has repeatedly posted content that has been debunked by third-party fact-checkers.” Apparently, IFA doesn’t appreciate being held to a standard of truthful reporting; in their eyes, of course, they are being “censored” because​, as Guidera wrote, “we share news that is not consistent with the mainstream media narrative.”