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President Gingrich's First Order Of Business Would Be To Call The Nation To Prayer

Right-wing pundit Gina Loudon has been guest-hosting the "Focal Point" radio program all week while Bryan Fischer has been on vacation and today she conducted an amazingly sycophantic interview with Newt Gingrich during which he declared that if he found himself elected president tomorrow, his first order of business would be to deliver a national address calling the nation to prayer.

The comment was precipitated by Loudon asking Gingrich what he would do to address America's various problems if he woke up tomorrow to discover that he had been elected president, to which he replied that his first priority would be to address the "scale of shock" the nation would be under to realize that it now had a President Gingrich.

He added that he would use Franklin Roosevelt's D-Day speech in which he called upon the nation to pray for success and for the safety of those involved as a model for his presidential address.

"I suspect the first thing I would do," he speculated, "is to say to the country, 'You're probably in as much shock as I am and we should all go to God in prayer because we're going to need it to get America out of the problems it's currently in'":