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Prayer in the Capitol: 'The American Economy, Politics, and Culture are Dying Because of Sin'

Earlier this month, Brian noted that Rep. Louie Gohmert would be hosting a prayer event in Statuary Hall at the US Capitol called "Washington: A Man of Prayer."  The event, which took place on May 8, was dedicated to honoring the 223rd anniversary of George Washington's inauguration and it was filmed by Pat Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network, which posted the entire thing on YouTube.

The two hour event featured lots of singing as well as remarks delivered by the likes of Gohmert, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, Penny Nance of Concerned Women for America, David Barton of WallBuilders, and Bishop Harry Jackson. 

One of the main speaker was Dan Cummins of a group called Come Pray With Me, who delivered an address declaring that "Democracy's plow" must by always guided by two hands: those of the politicians and those of the preachers.  Cummins warned that when preachers remove their hands from that plow, they are "giving opportunity for the fallows of socialism" to corrupt the nation.  Preachers and politicians are to work together, Cummins preached, to maintain "the balance between church and state, not the separation of church and state" as he warned that "sin is separating America from the blessings of God" and that  "the American economy, politics, and culture are dying because of sin."  The solution, of course, is to get "Christ in the economy, Christ in Congress, [and] Christ in the culture":

Cummins was supposed to have been followed by Alveda King, but she was unable to attend and so her remarks were read by Vivian Berryhill.  King's remarks, not surprisingly, focused entirely on "the national sin of abortion," comparing abortion providers and activsts to Judas and accusing them of "leading sheep to the slaughter," and calling upon God to end abortion in America just as He ended slavery:

Finally, Jim Garlow echoed the remarks delivered by Cummins, calling on pastors to stop talking about Right vs Left and start talking about right vs wrong, saying that if hundreds of thousands of preachers were willing to stand up and speak out, there would be no national debt, abortion, or gay marriage: