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POTUS Shield’s Frank Amedia Warns Christians Not to Criticize Trump Adviser Paula White

POTUS Shield founder Frank Amedia (Image from POTUS Shield video)

Frank Amedia, a one-time campaign adviser to President Donald Trump and founder of the Trump-promoting POTUS Shield, has called for a day of prayer and fasting Thursday, Dec. 19 to support White House aide Paula White and President Donald Trump.

As Trump’s spiritual adviser and pastor, White has played a significant role in cementing Trump’s alliance with religious-right leaders, and she keeps that alliance strong by ensuring a steady flow of conservative evangelical leaders through the White House. She has publicly denounced Trump’s opponents as demonic. She has also launched a Trump-promoting prayer initiative, the One Voice Prayer Movement.

Some Christians criticize White for her prosperity gospel theology—she continues to promise people blessings from God in return for donations to her ministry—and she has some conservative evangelical critics who don’t believe that women should be pastors.

In a video published last week, Amedia said that White was anointed and called by God to have a relationship with Trump and to be a voice in his ear. White “has been anointed by the scepter of righteousness of God and appointed by the scepter of leadership by the president of the United States,” Amedia said.

Impeachment “will not stick,” Amedia said, but the spiritual battle will not end, and there must be unity within the body of Christ. He urged that there be no “division” or “mockery” of the faith of Trump or those around him, including White.

Amedia closed with words for White from the biblical book of Isaiah: "Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. And behold, all those who are incensed against you shall be ashamed and disgraced. They shall be as nothing."

After some additional words of scripture, Amedia ended with his own exhortation.

"Be strengthened in the might and power of God almighty, Pastor Paula White," he said. "POTUS Shield, your brothers, your sisters, the anointing shield of God that has been raised up for this country at this time, to have power and declaration and decree, we stand with you. And yes, President Trump, we stand with you now as we have and we shall. And to God be the glory."