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Porter Responds to Being Dropped By VCY

Faith 2 Action's Janet Porter has issued a statement in response to VCY America's decision to stop airing and supporting her radio program due to her increasingly involvement with dominion theology, disagreeing with VCY's decision on the ground that Christians should not have to agree on every theological detail in order to work together but vowing to carry on with her work despite the loss of VCY's support:

Janet Porter and Faith2Action remain steadfast in the belief that the Bible is the infallible word of God, Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and the second person of the Trinity, whose death and resurrection provide the sole means of salvation and a relationship with God the Father.

May Day was a day of repentance at the Lincoln Memorial for our sins and the sins of our nation—in all fifty states and in every area of influence. The name of Jesus was lifted high, the Gospel was proclaimed, and many people were saved.

I learned an important lesson from my friend and mentor, Dr. D. James Kennedy when he first hired me to be the National Director of his Center for Reclaiming America. I told him that he shouldn’t hire me since I didn’t agree with him on everything--I wasn’t a ‘five point Calvinist.’ His response was one I never forgot; he said: “Janet, we agree on the ‘main things,’ and he hired me that day.

While two of our Jewish brothers attended May Day, one who read the Ten Commandments, the other who outlined how the United States has turned from the nation of Israel, all others prayed in Jesus’ name. While I don’t agree with every speaker on every belief, to the best of my knowledge, with every other person who spoke, there was agreement on the “main thing”—the basic belief that the Bible is the infallible word of God, Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and the second person of the Trinity, whose death and resurrection provide the sole means of salvation and a relationship with God the Father.

Faith2Action continues its Biblical mission to equip Christians to be salt and light in our dark and decaying world. To proclaim the Gospel and stand for the truth outlined in God’s word which is under assault in our culture. It is the Great Commission that commands us to not only make disciples, but to also teach them to “observe all things that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28): including the sixth commandment: “Thou shalt not kill.” We have shed innocent blood in this nation and that was one of the many sins for which we repented on May Day. This isn’t about “dominion theology” but rather about obedience to God in every area of influence.

Our nation is in peril and if we are going to maintain the freedom to spread the Gospel in our lifetime, it is going to take a unified effort. While we will never compromise the basic tenants of the Christian faith, we must be willing to work together with those who share our desire to obey God—even if we don’t agree with them on everything.

I am very grateful to VCY America for airing the Faith2Action program on its network and continue to pray daily for Vic Eliason’s complete healing and for his continued service to use the airwaves to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.