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Phil Robertson Preaches To CPAC: STDs Are 'The Revenge Of The Hippies'

For some reason, organizer's of this year's CPAC conference decided to bestow a First Amendment award upon "Duck Dynasty's" Phil Robertson, apparently for no other reason than because he came under intense criticism for a series of offensive comments that he made about gays and African Americans and for which he refused to apologize.

Going well beyond his allotted time, Robertson treated the audience at CPAC to a rambling sermon about America's desperate need for God, which he illustrated in a variety of ways including, at one point, by railing about STDs.

"One hundred and ten million Americans now have a sexually transmitted illness," Robertson sighed. "There is a penalty to be paid for what the beatniks, who morphed into the hippies [did]. You say what do you call the hundred and ten million people who have sexually transmitted illnesses? It's the revenge of the hippies! Sex drugs and rock and roll have come back to haunt us."

The solution, of course, is one man and one woman marriage, Robertson said, as he thundered that the reason he is telling people this is "because I'm trying to help you, for crying out loud, America!"