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Phil Robertson Helpfully Announces That He Won't 'Take A Leak' In The Women's Restroom

Last night, anti-gay activists gathered in Houston, Texas, for an event called "I Stand Sunday" to rally against subpoenas issued by the city government to five local pastors as part of a lawsuit filed by activists in an effort to overturn the city's nondiscrimination ordinance.

The subpoenas have been withdrawn, but right-wing activists are still demanding that the petitions they had submitted to put the nondiscrimination ordinance on the ballot be honored by the city, rallying around the cry of "let the people vote!"

The main contention of the activists is that the ordinance would, in the words of one pastor featured in a promotional video played during the event, create a nightmare scenario of "a grown man going into the restroom with a six-year-old girl, standing alongside of her, using the restroom."

The fear of men using women's restrooms was played up by Phil Robertson of the reality television program "Duck Dynasty," who opened his remarks at last night's event by assuring thet women in the audience that when he needs "to take a leak," he will not use their bathroom.

"For all you ladies in Texas, trust me when I tell you this," he said, "when you're seated in your restroom, putting on your Maybelline, when I need to take a leak, I'm not going there":