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Peterson: Obama's Mother Taught Him to Be 'Racist' Against White People

Conservative pastor and regular Fox News guest Jesse Lee Peterson of BOND appeared on TruNews with Rick Wiles last week, where Peterson argued that Obama is “racist” against white people because his mother “hated being white.”

After Wiles claimed that Obama’s family “had connections to the New World Order,” Peterson said Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, “hated her color” and raised Obama “not to accept that side of himself.”

Of course, then Wiles insisted that it really has nothing to do with race because Obama “is red inside; he is a Communist, that’s the problem,” and Peterson called the President “evil.”

Wiles: I voted for Alan Keyes years ago and I didn’t see the media going out there and whipping up guilt and telling white people: ‘you people should vote for Alan Keyes, he’s a black man.’ Alan Keyes is a real black man, okay? To be very precise, Barack Obama is not the first black president he is the first mixed-race president. He is fifty percent white and fifty percent black, there is nothing wrong with that and this is a wonderful thing that a mixed-race person was elected. But when I criticize him I just tell people, ‘I’m not criticizing his black half, I’m criticizing his white half.’ He was raised by white people and he was raised by white people who were connected to the New World Order. That man had a silver spoon in his mouth. He was not raised by a goat herder in Kenya, he was raised by his white family and they had connections to the New World Order and nobody wants to talk about this.

Peterson: I don’t think that Obama even identifies with the white aspect of himself. His mother, she hated her color, she hated being white and I’m thinking, I don’t have a whole lot of proof of this, but I do know she hated her color, hated being white. I think he may have been brought up not to accept that side of himself and that adds to him being a racist because he doesn’t really respect white folks.

Wiles: It has nothing to do with the color of his skin, it is because he is red inside; he is a Communist, that’s the problem.

Peterson: It’s all spiritual. I tell people all the time, our battle is a spiritual battle; a warfare between good and evil and Barack Obama is evil.

The two also discussed the best ways to pray for Obama, which apparently means praying that Obama is forced out of office, sent to jail and finds God:

Wiles: I’m obligated to pray for him to get saved but I’m not obligated to pray that he commits evil in this country.

Peterson: I’m obligated to pray him out of there before he destroys this country, that’s what I’m praying for. Let’s say that they’re going to pray for him, what would they pray? Other than, like you said, they pray that he accepts Christ as his Lord and Savior, other than that what are they praying for? He doesn’t even believe in the same God that they’re even praying to.

Wiles: I’m praying that he gets arrested and sent to prison and then a prison ministry reaches him with the Gospel.

Peterson: I’m telling you, sit around and pray while this guy is destroying our country, corrupting the minds of the young, and these guys are just going to sit around and pray?

Peterson also maintained that Obama’s alleged anti-white racism and support for gay rights “has given evil permission to come” and proves he is not a Christian.

Peterson: It is just hard to believe that we have a socialist, a redistribution of wealth, black liberation theology, racist man who hates Israel and hates whites in America back in the White House. He supports abortion at any point, he also supports so-called same-sex marriage and he overturned Don’t Ask Don’t Tell in the military. I believe that because we have this type of person in the White House that he has given evil permission to come forward and that is why we see so many negative things happening in our country because we have a man who approves of all these things.

Wiles: I agree. That is the most important thing that we’re going to talk about, he has given evil permission to run wild in this country, he sanctions it; he is a man of lawlessness.

Peterson: That’s right, he’s not of God. I don’t see any indication where he’s a Christian at all, I’m not sure if he’s a Muslim yet, I can’t say that for sure, but I can definitely say that he is not a Christian.