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Peterson: Obama & Oprah Winfrey Incite 'Blacks To Attack Whites'

Conservative Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson knows who to blame for the “knockout game,” the latest fictional crime wave to catch the imagination of the right-wing media. President Obama and Oprah Winfrey, writes Peterson, are “encouraging these blacks to attack whites” and inflaming “black thugs [to] attack unsuspecting whites.”

In a WorldNetDaily column on Friday, Peterson writes that Obama and Winfrey use “racial demagoguery” and “race baiting” to “encourage division and hatred between races,” and are therefore to blame for the much-hyped “knockout game.”


Did you ever imagine that, in America, groups of black thugs would attack unsuspecting whites? Did you ever think the first black president and Oprah Winfrey would encourage division and hatred between races?

In today’s America, that’s the unfortunate reality.

In what many tamely call the “knockout game,” black teenagers target whites to attack them without provocation. The aim is to knock the victim unconscious with one blow. Man, woman, young or old – it doesn’t matter – these thugs do not care.

Hatred for whites is reinforced and encouraged in black movies, hate-filled rap music and by black leaders: Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus, Barack Obama and even Oprah Winfrey.

Oprah recently stated that white opposition to Barack Obama was rooted in racism and that older whites “just have to die” for racism to diminish.

Oprah has made billions of dollars thanks to white people who watch her shows and buy products she endorses. For her to smear millions of whites as “racist” without proof is despicable.

Her race baiting is akin to Obama accusing the white Cambridge, Mass., police officers of “acting stupidly.” Or when Obama weighed in after the Trayvon Martin shooting and said to highlight the racial factor: “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.” Shameful!

This type of racial demagoguery coming from influential blacks fuels anger toward whites and the judicial system – this is what is encouraging these blacks to attack whites.