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Peter LaBarbera: Gays Following Hitler In 'Recruiting' Children

Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality appeared on the Monday edition of Voice of Christian Youth America’s show “In Focus,” where he spoke to host Jim Schneider about “the ingraining of homosexuality in society.”

Outraged by a Canadian writer’s tongue-in-check column about teaching LGBTQ acceptance in schools, LaBarbera decided that this one person’s column confirms that the entire gay rights movement seeks to “penetrate the minds of the youth.”

“Homosexual activists know that they have to change the minds of young people, like all radical movements. We saw this under the Communists, under Hitler,” LaBarbera said. “This is a movement that directly threatens kids.”

After blasting parents and teachers who accept LGBT children, LaBarbera lamented that schools “will never bring in an ‘ex-gay’” to address students “because then kids can see that homosexuality is not about who you are, it’s about what you do, and if you can practice homosexuality you can leave homosexuality, you can leave it behind with the help of Jesus Christ.”

When a caller told LaBarbera that Satan is using the government, the schools and “Hell-ywood” to push gay rights, LaBarbera blasted “The Fosters” for showing a kiss between two teenage boys, holding it up as proof of gay child recruitment and the media’s attempt to push “evil” on kids.

“This is the sort of perversion that is being foisted upon the American people,” LaBarbera saidIt’s deep evil and it’s being done in the name of all these good sounding things, ‘tolerance and diversity.’ But what they’re really doing is changing kids’ minds. They’re propagandizing these kids, they are victimizing our children with this evil propaganda. It’s a form of recruitment when you sell immorality as romance.”

LaBarbera also repeated his criticisms of CNN anchor Don Lemon, claiming that since Lemon is a survivor of child sexual abuse, he should know that homosexuality is not an innate characteristic: “Somebody needs to ask Don Lemon, did you choose to be gay? It seems that since Don Lemon was the victim of a homosexual predator, somebody chose homosexuality for him.”