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Peroutka: Anthony Kennedy 'Hates God Because He Thinks He Is God'

Last week, neo-Confederate activist Michael Peroutka of the Institute on the Constitution joined conservative talk show host Steve Deace to discuss the upcoming Supreme Court case on the constitutionality of the contraceptive coverage mandate, which raises the question of whether Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. has constitutionally-protected religious beliefs.

Deace argued that Justice Anthony Kennedy will rule against Hobby Lobby because he is a “God-hater” who showed his “anti-Christian” colors in the decision striking down the Defense of Marriage Act.

“The reason he hates God is because he thinks he is God,” Peroutka argued. “And if you think you’re God, then you hate anybody else or any other entity or being that anybody would give homage to that would interfere with what you see yourself as; he is jealous of any other God.”

Peroutka urged conservatives “to be like Toto” from the Wizard of Oz and “pull the curtain back from the man behind the curtain,” or in this case the Supreme Court.

Deace: I’ll be fascinated to see what Justice Anthony Kennedy, who has just really become a God-hater, he wrote a court opinion on marriage earlier this year that is really just an anti-Christian polemic disguised as a court opinion, so I will be very curious to see what rationale he makes up when he’s the fifth vote against Hobby Lobby on this case with no precedent up to this point. The reason I keep using that term is because you and I know this is really pagan justice that’s ruled by precedent. With no human precedent up to this point justifying what he wants to do, I’ll be extremely curious to see what rationale he pulls out of his backside and puts on paper this time to do what he wants to do.

Peroutka: You called him a God-hater. The reason he hates God is because he thinks he is God. If you think that your position on the court is that you get to say what law is, if you are the lawgiver, the lawmaker, the will of the sovereign, that’s who God is, that’s God. And if you think you’re God, then you hate anybody else or any other entity or being that anybody would give homage to that would interfere with what you see yourself as; he is jealous of any other God. It makes sense that he would do something desperate but my point is with respect to him and his mindset, I don’t think he even needs a rationale. See, God doesn’t need a rationale because he is the lawgiver and the lawmaker and that’s how these people see — I don’t think it’s too much to say this, I think we’ve seen that history backs up what I’m saying. The Supreme Court believes it is the lawgiver, believes it is the man behind the curtain; we need to be like Toto and pull the curtain back from the man behind the curtain.