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Perkins: Same-Sex Marriage 'Perverts The Word Love'

Sen. Ted Cruz has been rounding up support for his State Marriage Defense Act among conservative talk show hosts, and yesterday Jonathan Saenz of Texas Values sang Cruz’s praises during an interview with Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council. Saenz also alleged that growing support for marriage equality is nothing but a myth.

There is this notion that things have changed so much, there’s all this momentum from the media suggesting that people’s views have changed on homosexual marriage. But we’re not seeing that at the polls. All of these victories so to speak that have happened for their side, some short-lived, have been a federal judge who is unelected or the Obama administration or some of the AGs refusing to enforce their own laws and constitution. I haven’t really seen evidence of a major change.

We’re not sure where Saenz has been, but polling consistently shows that a majority of Americans, and an overwhelming number of young people, favor legalizing marriage for same-sex couples. In the 2012 election, a plurality of voters agreed that same-sex marriage should be legal in their state, and marriage equality opponents lost in all four states where voters faced ballot measures on the issue.

The two went on to warn that marriage equality states must also legalize incest (which, despite their claims, has clearly not happened).

“Not only does it destroy the definition of marriage, it perverts the word love,” Perkins said of same-sex marriage. “It becomes nothing more than a sexual act or a physical act of intimacy. Because you could say two brothers love each other, two sisters love each other, an aunt and an uncle love each other, different folks that may not be able to be married could love each other, so if you change this definition, what’s to keep them from entering into some kind of contractual relationship as well? It’s absurd.”

Saenz agreed: “They’re not really interested in equality, the homosexual advocates, they just want what they think they can get and what works best for their selfish interests…. They know that the majority of people do not support them because it breaks apart.”