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Paul Vallely Claims Obama Is A Muslim, Al Qaeda Supporter

Former Army general Paul Vallely, who recently worked with former GOP congressman Allen West on the Citizens Commission on Benghazi, claimed in a radio interview with Dave Janda earlier this month that President Obama is a Muslim and a supporter of Al Qaeda.

“Egypt came out and said basically they know Obama is a Muslim,” Vallely said. “Beyond that, just being a Muslim, being a Al Qaeda and a radical Islamist supporter.”

Vallely previously said he would help lead an anti-Obama “revolution” (he later denied making the remarks that were captured on tape) and called for a “citizen’s arrest” of Obama for “violating the Constitution.”

He has also called for mass demonstrations, such as Operation American Spring, to oust Obama from office.

Last week, Vallely spoke with ex-congressman J.D. Hayworth on Newsmax TV about his latest Benghazi conspiracy theory.