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Paul McGuire: Socialism Warps Your Brain and Makes You Support Bestiality

Paul McGuire Trumpocalypse
Paul McGuire, co-author of "Trumpocalypse: The End-Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elite, and the Countdown to Armageddon."

End Times author and right-wing conspiracy theorist Paul McGuire appeared on "The Hagmann Report" radio show on Monday, where he asserted that supporting socialism "warps and distorts your brain," resulting in the legalization of bestiality.

McGuire, co-author of the book “Trumpocalypse: The End-Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elite, and the Countdown to Armageddon,” falsely claimed that Sweden was "all on board with democratic socialism" and was also "one of the first nations on planet Earth to legalize marriage between men and women and their dogs and their cats and their horses and their animals."

"When you raise up kids in the socialist mind factories of education, which are deliberately designed to dumb you down so that you can't think critically about the horrors of socialism, the byproduct is, to be blunt, you go insane in different compartments of reality in your life," McGuire said.

"When you allow your mind to be formed, and shaped, and programmed by socialist education, it literally, on a neurological level, warps and distorts your brain, your perception, and your critical thinking skills," he added. "Why is it that the nation that all of these socialist candidates in the United States point to as the great success story for socialism—Sweden, that's the nation they point to—why does that also happen to be the nation where for many years they legalized sex between humans and animals and allowed people to marry their dogs, cats, and horses, and pigs?"

"There is a relationship between the thinking modalities," McGuire declared. "When you are dumbed-down, it just doesn't stay in the economic sector. When you're dumbed-down, it spills out into the practicalities of life."