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Paul McGuire: Mind Control Won The Gulf War

Image of author Paul McGuire on the set of television show.
End Times author Paul McGuire

Last week, End Times author Paul McGuire claimed on his radio show that the United States government has mind-control technology that can be used to “cause a mass riot where people are angry or hear voices,” and was used during the Gulf War to convince Iraqi soldiers that God had told them to surrender.

McGuire, co-author of the book “Trumpocalypse: The End-Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elite, and the Countdown to Armageddon,” was discussing the supposed dangers presented by 5G technology when he claimed that the government’s mind-control technology can be activated through AM radio waves, as well as cellphone signals.

According to McGuire, the American military used this technology during Operation Desert Storm.  McGuire referred to it as “voice to God” technology, claiming that mind-control messaging conveyed through the radio frequency caused Iraqi soldiers to hear voices urging them to surrender to the American forces.

“The American military, using mind-control technology, attached an invisible rider on the AM frequency … that all these extremist Muslims would be listening to,” McGuire said. “And they knew that American soldiers wouldn’t be listening to this station because Americans don’t speak the language and they wouldn’t be into the music, so they were able to target the population.”

He continued, “The rider frequency that they attached on the AM signal frequency contained what is called ‘voice to God’ technology where all the people listening to this music station, Iraqi music station, actually heard in their heads, they couldn’t hear it audibly, but they heard the voice of God commanding them to surrender to the Americans and commanding them to lay down their weapons.”

McGuire warned his listeners that the same thing “could be done not just with an AM signal but with a cellphone signal.”