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Paul McGuire Insists That Trump 'Is A Very Restrained Man'

Paul McGuire and Troy Anderson, authors of the book, “Trumpocalypse: The End-Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elite, and the Countdown to Armageddon," appeared on the program "Jewish Voice" earlier this year, where McGuire assured the audience that President Trump will not recklessly stumble into a nuclear war because "he is a very restrained man" who knows that he has been chosen by God to save America.

"The narrative of the secular media is, well, he is like a psychotic waiting to, in a deranged manner, hit the nuke button," McGuire said. "But when you really study Trump's life and his psychological background and his biographical profile, you do not see a man who is given to pressing a nuke button by accident ... That is a total lie attempted to discredit him and marginalize his leadership. If anything, he is a very restrained man."

"However imperfect Trump is," McGuire added, "he is the only one who seems to be answering the call of God."

McGuire went on to assert that "America is literally a heartbeat away from a totalitarian regime" and that if Trump were not in office, "we would be under some kind of police state, a dictatorship. End of story. No more Christianity, no more Judaism, freedom of religion is over." God knows that, McGuire said, which is why He divinely intervened in the election to make Trump president.

"He is doing the things that God wants done," he said. "He is standing up for the lives of 60 million babies that died in abortion, he is standing up the nation of Israel so there won't be nuclear holocaust coming down from Iran in the form of nuclear missiles, he is standing up for freedom of religion, the freedom to preach the gospel, to study the Bible, to have moral values."

McGuire went on to liken Trump to King David, insisting that both were men who were "after God's own heart."

"David is a man like Trump in many respects," he said. "He's vulgar, he's crude, but when it comes to the important issues, he is right on target."