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Paul McGuire: Evangelicals Can Still Support Trump Because His Sexual Sins 'Didn't Involve Him Raping Or Molesting' Anyone

Paul McGuire Trumpocalypse
Paul McGuire, co-author of "Trumpocalypse: The End-Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elite, and the Countdown to Armageddon."

On his radio program yesterday, Paul McGuire, co-author of the book "Trumpocalypse: The End-Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elite, and the Countdown to Armageddon," put on a masterful display of the Religious Right's hypocrisy when it comes to continuing to support President Trump in spite his long record of immoral behavior. After first insisting that the reports that Trump had adulterous affairs with pornographic actresses and nude models were "fake news" created to weaken evangelical support for the president, McGuire then proceeded to also insist that, even if the reports are true, evangelicals cannot afford to abandon the president because Christians are locked in a battle with Luciferian occultists for control of this country.

McGuire dismissed reports that adult film actress Stormy Daniels had passed a lie detector test about her alleged affair with Trump because "you can pay a lie detector test company [or] an individual who has a lie detector company to rig a lie detector test" and asserted that the stories of Trump's various affairs are nothing more than "a manufactured strategy to take down Trump" because "the Russian collusion story collapsed."

"The goal is to sever the relationship between Donald Trump and one of the most powerful groups that voted for Donald Trump," McGuire said. "And one of the most powerful groups that voted for Donald Trump to be president is the evangelical Christian community. Obviously, we as Christians hold biblical values high, we believe in sexual purity, moral faithfulness, we're against adultery and all the rest of that. So listen carefully here, the strategy is to bring up these events that all involve sexual sins, allegedly, because they know—the people, the strategists behind the scenes—they know that this will upset a significant percentage of evangelical Christian voters and their goal is to turn Donald Trump's primary supporters, which have been the evangelical Christian voters, against him by bringing up these sexual, moral scandals."

McGuire said that while he doesn't believe the allegations and finds them to be "extremely suspicious," they should not prevent evangelicals from continuing to support Trump even if they are true because, although his behavior is a sin, it "didn't involve him raping or molesting or this other sexual abuse stuff."

"Christians need to have a biblical worldview and look at things the way God looks at things through the Bible," he said. "The question is: Do you continue to support a man who is fallen and imperfect but is acting as perhaps the greatest champion for Christianity, the gospel of Jesus Christ, of any president that we've ever had, willing to stand against abortion, willing to stand for Jerusalem, willing to stand for the rights of Christians and churches to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in America without harassment, standing up for the martyred believers by the millions?"

"What do you do?" McGuire asked. "Do you vote for somebody who apparently hasn't committed those sins—not that they didn't really commit those sins, but they were hidden—and yet who allows the abortions, who allows the Christians to be murdered as martyrs, who doesn't speak up for Jerusalem, who doesn't defend the rights of Christians and Christian churches to preach the gospel? Do you break your support for Trump over his own personal sins? What would God say?"

For good measure, McGuire concluded by declaring that the attacks on Trump are "really ultimately about the occult elite globalists and their plan for a one-world government, one-world religion and one-world economic system. That is what this is really about and they have been occultists and satanists and Luciferians since the beginning. That is what the real game is. The real game isn't Republican versus Democrat; come on, grow up. That is the real game: Who is going to rule this nation, because the plan of the occult globalist elites is they want to turn America into an anti-Christian totalitarian state. That is what they have said in their writings, so what you do makes a difference."