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Paul Cameron Says Parents Should Be Exempt From Taxes And Should Get Extra Votes

Paul Cameron was the guest again today on Gordon Klingenschmitt's "Pray In Jesus Name" program where the two set aside their concerns about "a gay" using molestation to recruit kids into homosexuality and focused their discussion instead on the dangers of the birth control pill and declining population growth.

Cameron believes that this "demographic crunch" is the most important problem facing humanity today and so he has come up with a couple of clever solutions:

  1. People with children should be exempt from paying taxes.
  2. People with children should get extra votes.

As Cameron sees it, parents ought not to have to pay any taxes while they are raising their children because they're "assuring the future" and Klingenschmitt thought this was a pretty good idea because it "creates a tax incentive for people to have children and to stay home, maybe, and raise them."

On top of that, Cameron also advocated for giving parents "their vote as a citizen plus one for for each child that they have."

"That means a couple with, say, three children," Cameron explained, "will have eight votes ... Let's change the politics of it so the politicians will suddenly say 'I wanna be family-friendly because I want to come back to Washington'":