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Patrick Wooden Says Obama's Support for Gay Rights Adds to the Black Community's Pain

Patrick Wooden, a favorite pastor of the National Organization for Marriage, spoke to anti-gay writer Michael Brown on Line of Fire Radio yesterday where he went after President Obama and the Democratic Party’s endorsement of marriage equality. While he shied away from his usual topics about how gay men need to wear diapers until their early death as a result of a life of shoving cellphones, baseball bats and animals up their anuses, Wooden argued that President Obama is contributing to the pain of the “decimated” black community by favoring marriage equality and is sending a terrible message to black children.

My position is African Americans are people also, we want the same things that all other Americans want, we are a part of this country, we have built this country, so we should be counted also and considered. Our families, our homes have been decimated, and with the things that have happened in our community, do we need to add to it a President where little black boys and little black girls are hearing this great man in the most powerful position in the land say ‘I believe same-sex marriage is the direction that the country ought to go in.’ Then that same little black boy or little black girl looks to the heroes in the black community at the local level which are the preachers and the community leaders and the NAACP leaders and then they see the leaders line up and follow this man. What kind of message are we sending our children? And we’re the most vulnerable.

While Wooden said he doesn’t plan to vote for Romney since he is “a bishop in a cult,” he did warn that marriage equality will ultimately force churches to hold same-sex wedding ceremonies and end the freedom of religion. He said that the Democratic Party platform “actively supports evil” by endorsing abortion rights and gay equality, calling same-sex marriage “the greatest oxymoron that I know” and asserting that its supporters have embarked on “an evil endeavor.” Christians who back Democrats therefore are “sowing to the flesh and they’re going to reap corruption, they are sowing to the wind and they’re going to reap the whirlwind.”

The same God of the Bible who will not allow me to vote for the most pro-abortion, same-sex marriage president that we’ve ever had will not allow me to vote for a bishop in a cult. Now, some argue that well even though Mitt Romney is a Mormon there are social positions that he takes that those who are Christians agree with, such as Mitt Romney has said he will protect the sanctity of marriage, he does protect freedom of religion, things like that. Because we do know that at the end of the day this same-sex marriage thing is all about our maintaining the right to practice our religion the way we have been practicing it because if those on the other side had their way I think that where it’s headed is if all the laws were overturned churches could possibly, their 501c3 status could be challenged if they didn’t allow members of the same-sex to use their sanctuary to perform weddings and no true man of God will allow that.

If any platform, if you look at the two platforms and as you said in your opening this show doesn’t support the Republican Party or the Democratic Party, but of the two platforms only one platform actively supports evil. Abortion is evil. Same-sex marriage, the greatest oxymoron that I know, is evil. Those who are trying to redefine marriage, that is an evil endeavor. The Bible says let God be true and every man a liar, now when Christians line up behind anyone whether they’re black or white who are promoting evil, then they are sowing to the flesh and they’re going to reap corruption, they are sowing to the wind and they’re going to reap the whirlwind.