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Pat Robertson: Paris Is Full Of Sharia Law No-Go Zones

Fox News was widely mocked and criticized last month for reporting that neighborhoods in Paris and other European cities have supposedly fallen to Sharia law, and the network ultimately retracted and apologized for its repeated allegations about these so-called “no-go zones.”

The Christian Broadcasting Network, however, is apparently standing by the very same discredited claims. Pat Robertson told viewers of “The 700 Club” today that “there are certain areas in Paris where the police can’t even go, they belong only to these radical Muslims and the police and the French can’t [enter].”

“They have Sharia law, they run their own show and the French government has no control over them,” Robertson said. “The so-called ‘banlieues.’”

He cited these non-existent no-go zones as evidence that Islam as a “cancer that is going to grow and grow and grow if it’s not excised.”

Despite Robertson’s claimbanlieues’ are simply suburbs, and while some are designated to receive more government attention to fight crime and poverty, Sharia law no-go zones do not exist.