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Pat Buchanan: Ferguson Protesters Committed 'Massive' Civil Rights Violations By Shutting Off Roadways

Speaking today with Newsmax TV host Steve Malzberg, who called the outrage over the failure to indict the officer responsible for Michael Brown’s shooting “insane,” Pat Buchanan insisted that Obama administration officials “slandered” the city of Ferguson “when neither the cops nor Darren Wilson nor the city have done anything to deserve this.”

“What in heaven’s name have the Ferguson police ever done to deserve what has been done to them?” he added.

Buchanan then compared Ferguson demonstrators and people engaging in civil disobedience to the aides of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie who allegedly shut down access to a bridge in order to punish a city’s mayor for not endorsing him.

Buchanan said that like Bridgegate, the Ferguson protesters are engaging in a a grand conspiracy that violates people’s civil rights: “What about the national conspiracy to get together to shut down cities and block highways and block bridges and block commuter trains orchestrated and organized, why isn’t the Justice Department investigating that? That massive violation of the civil rights of commuters and travelers and workers and everyone.”