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Pat Boone: Those Behind SNL's Christian Movie Parody Are Going To Hell

As Brian noted yesterday, conservative activist and musician Pat Boone was outraged by a recent Saturday Night Live skit called "God is a Boob Man" that poked fun at the Religious Right's persecution complex by parodying movies like "God's Not Dead."

And since Glenn Beck is always on the cutting edge of what is hip and cool, he brought Boone onto his radio program today so that Boone could warn all those involved that they have committed an unpardonable sin and are bound for hell.

Boone is not looking to receive any sort of apology from SNL or NBC for the skit, he said, but simply wanted to issue a very sobering warning by citing the story of "Korah's Rebellion" from Numbers 16, in which hundreds of Israelites who rose up to challenge Moses' authority were swallowed alive by the earth.

"When you speak against God and his purpose, we don't have to ask for an apology," Boone said. "We need to stand up for what's true and right, but then step aside because they're answering to Him, not to us. That's outright sacrilege and, as you know, I don't think people will be offended by this, Jesus said that every sin a man can commit can be forgiven except against blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Well, the Holy Spirit is God and that sin is not to be forgiven in this world or the world to come. So my feelings now are not so much anger as sadness for what I fear is ahead for the people that are doing these things."

Saturday Night Live used to be such a good show but it has lost its way, Boone insisted, saying that he'd like to ask if the show's creator, Lorne Michaels, would find it funny if somebody did a sketch that "portrayed his mother as a diseased whore."