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Pat Boone: Gay Rights Will Destroy The Boy Scouts And Endanger America

Musician and conservative commentator Pat Boone is outraged that Robert Gates, president of the Boy Scouts of America, recently proposed an end to the organization’s ban on adult gay members.

Calling the announcement a “danger to our way of life,” Boone writes in WorldNetDaily today that if the Scouts move to “embrace homosexuality” it will “leave Scouting permanently marred, totally changed into something the founders would be appalled by – and that will inevitably bring about the collapse and demise of Scouting itself.”

According to Boone, all of America is at risk and the possibility of gays in the Boy Scouts presents a “danger to our way of life” as the change will destroy moral values, religious freedom and the American spirit: “Our courts and our ‘leaders’ are caving in, surrendering to ‘political correctness’ and abandoning, not just now but perhaps for our kids’ future, all of the moral guidelines, the DNA that made America who we are.”

America, WAKE UP! Things are happening right in front of our noses, and we don’t seem to grasp their significance, their danger to our way of life!

Get this: Just five days ago, Robert Gates, former director of the CIA and former secretary of defense, and now president of the Boy Scouts of America, made a declaration to the assembled executives of that wonderful, time-honored youth organization.

“We must deal with the world as it is, not as we might wish it to be.”

And what was he talking about? “The cascading events, the incessant discrimination lawsuits, and the impending Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage” had led him to conclude that the hallowed rules that define the whole Scouting program “cannot be sustained.”

Think about it. Although the Boy Scouts officially began in 1909, and the Girl Scouts a year later, as a voluntary, nonprofit, non-governmental organization, dedicated by oath and internal law to honor and morality and “duty to God and country,” this man who personally directed our national defense and investigative agencies is advocating surrender of the Scouts’ founding principles to the encroaching, virulent campaign of militant homosexual activists!

Dear God, Bob Gates, what are you thinking?

Is this how you see “the world as it is”? Has the United States of America become so weak, so lost, so unable to defend our very moral underpinnings, our national DNA, our constitutional defenses and rights, that we must cave in to relentless pressure on Scouting to embrace homosexuality, not just in boys and girls enrolled in Scouting but in the leaders who will be lasting influences on their young, trusting lives?

Bob, I know you’re a good man faced with tough decisions. You want to be fair and compassionate and still keep the Scouts what they were created to be. Right? You only signed on for two years as president; you don’t want to leave Scouting permanently marred, totally changed into something the founders would be appalled by – and that will inevitably bring about the collapse and demise of Scouting itself.

Bob, dear Bob, the real issue is far deeper and more pervasive than just what you propose for Scouting. Our whole society, our very way of life, is on the line. Are we just to totally succumb to “the world as it is” and not continue to try to make it “what we wish it to be”? Do we just “give up” and become a pot-ridden populace, with all the mounting consequences? Do we just cave in to abortion advocates, who already account for a million or more infant deaths a year, here in the land of the brave and home of the free? Do you endorse the decisions of our president and former attorney general not to enforce immigration laws on our books?

Do you side with those who want to remove God’s name from all public life, prayer from schools, even “under God” from our Pledge of Allegiance?

In 1954, Special Counsel Joseph Welch confronted Sen. Joe McCarthy: “At long last, have you left no sense of decency? No sense of decency?”

On issue after issue, Bob, our courts and our “leaders” are caving in, surrendering to “political correctness” and abandoning, not just now but perhaps for our kids’ future, all of the moral guidelines, the DNA that made America who we are.

At long last, have we left no decency?