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Pat Boone Blames Charleston Shooting On Obama

Conservative pundit and musician Pat Boone took to WorldNetDaily today to claim that the Charleston massacre wasn’t so much about racism than it was about demonic possession.

According to Boone, Obama has fomented racial hatred while suppressing God, giving power to “minions of Satan” like Dylann Roof.

“God loves America, Mr. President. But during your watch, His name is being erased from public life, forbidden in schools, ignored and repudiated in much public policy and laughed at in popular entertainment,” Boone wrote. “And as our society increasingly moves away from God’s protective, loving hand, we can expect more and more horrific demonic evil.”

Mr. President! For God’s sake, and America’s sake, quit so often calling crimes that involve a black person “racist”! As the president who came to office, a black man promising to bring people together, a man ideally suited for that job since you were born both black and white, you had a God-given chance to actually proclaim and demonstrate that racial divides and prejudice had greatly diminished and that our society was truly becoming colorblind.

Instead, both at home and, even more sadly, abroad, you have continued to bring up and confess America’s past record of racial prejudice and indicate we “still have issues to resolve” pertaining to race – as if your very presence as twice-elected president of the United States doesn’t proclaim loud and clear that we as a people have largely, though not completely, put to rest any image of America as an ongoing “racist” nation. We are not!

Now we come to the horrific scene in Charleston, South Carolina, in which a satanically inspired young white kid mercilessly kills a number of fine black Christians in a Wednesday night prayer service, in church!

And yes, I said, “inspired by Satan”! Though this had a racist element, to be sure, it was more than that and of far greater significance to America than that. This boy wasn’t just a sadist, or even criminally insane – he was carefully prepared and led by the Devil himself to kill as many Christians as he could. The fact that they were black was an excuse more than a reason.

Let me prove it to you. And let me persuade you to substitute another, more valid word for “racist.”

The word evil.

Mr. President, look in the eyes of these sad, forlorn, lost evildoers – the Roof kid, the Colorado theater killer, the young New Englander who mowed down little children at school, the Columbine duo, the maniac who shot up the Jewish day-care center and then killed a Hispanic postman “just because he was there,” the increasing mall and workplace insane murderers, even the thousands of children hypnotized by vile and violent video “games” – look deeply into their inner beings (not their skin color or professed motives), and you’ll encounter demons from hell, minions of Satan himself, coming diabolically against anything that God loves. God loves America, Mr. President. But during your watch, His name is being erased from public life, forbidden in schools, ignored and repudiated in much public policy and laughed at in popular entertainment. You declared, “Whatever America once was, she is no longer a Christian nation.”

Simple, stupid “racism” is not our problem, Mr. President. It is declaring that we are no longer a nation “under God.” And as our society increasingly moves away from God’s protective, loving hand, we can expect more and more horrific demonic evil.