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Pastor Who Said Gay Marriage Is An 'Attempted Gang Rape Of Our Culture' Endorses Ted Cruz

As we have noted several times before, people who hate gays sure do seem to love Ted Cruz, and to that ever-growing list we can now add Mark Creech of the Christian Action League of North Carolina, who endorsed Cruz last week:

We are witnessing possibly the most dangerous time in American history. It's not that our great country hasn't faced incredible challenges in the past, but today the enemies of our Republic strike at the heart of our national identity – the meaning of America. Such issues will determine the preservation of liberty for the generations to come.

Although the Christian Action League concedes there are many pressing considerations in choosing a President, none are more important than marriage and family, restoring a culture of life, and preserving our first right – the right to practice one's faith freely. No current candidate in the Democratic field demonstrates a proper commitment to any of these necessary supports for a healthy society. All the candidates in the GOP field have shown some commitment to these three, either with lip service or some demonstration of allegiance, but none has the long track record of their zealous defense and promotion as Senator Ted Cruz.

Creech is sort of right-wing activist who asserts that "hunger is rampant in India" because the people there have not embraced Christianity and that President Obama could be the Antichrist, so naturally he has some pretty strong feelings about gay people as well:

  • He has declared that homosexuality is "impure," "dirty," and "disgusting."
  • He said that those who identify as gay are insulting God: "What an insult to God to say that we are something other than what he really created us. We’re either born male or female and are meant to express our masculinity or femininity in a way consistent with God’s creation."
  • He warned that there is nothing loving about accepting gay relationships: "No one who is thoughtful can possibly believe that something as unnatural as the act of a man placing that part of his body which was designed to project life into that part of another man's body meant to expel death could possibly be a healthy lifestyle under any circumstances."
  • He proclaimed that homosexuality is worse than other sins because "the consequences of homosexual behavior can be considerably more grievous than some other sins. Homosexuality is unique in that it is especially abhorrent to God and constitutes a significantly perverse and wicked lifestyle that clearly shows that one is far removed from Him."
  • He has said that gay-friendly churches are a satanic "fifth column."
  • He warned that court decisions in favor of gay marriage are a sign of the End Times:  "Such court decisions are certainly a sign of the times – a sign that we are heading for an impending judgment. This matter burdens my heart greatly nearly every day, sometimes with tears."
  • He said that acceptance of homosexuality will lead to persecution of Christians: "These events of late prove, without question, that the normalization of homosexual behavior in the culture and the legalization of same-sex marriage will inevitably usher in a flood of religious persecutions for Christians who dare say homosexuality is a sin."
  • He stated that the push for gay marriage is an attempt to rape society: "No longer were their shameful sins simply tolerated by a permissive society, but it had gone much further than that. Now these people were an open, aggressive and insistent force, in a city where none dare interfere. Their behavior was not looked upon as criminal, but as constitutional. Yet as they pushed upon Lot's door to knock it down, their actions were nothing less than an attempted gang rape.Today, it is the same. I suggest the defying of marriage laws by gays and lesbians in California, New York, Illinois, New Mexico, and Oregon — the foisting of the issue of gay marriage on the country by judicial activists sympathetic with the gay agenda — is an attempted gang rape of our culture. It is an attempt to sodomize our society."

With views like these, Creech will fit right in among the radicals with which the Cruz campaign has aligned itself.