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Pastor Laurence White: Legal Abortion is the 'Final, Deadly Malignant Festering Core of Everything' Wrong With America

The guest today on "WallBuilders Live" was Pastor Laurence White, who was brought on to "discuss the sin of the silence of the German Christians during the Holocaust and the parallel to American Christians today" as he explained that it was the silence of the church during under the Nazis that allowed the Holocaust to take place, just as it is the silence of Christians today that is allowing abortion to remain legal in America:

The same thing is happening in America today, exactly the same thing. We've take a segment of the human race, unborn children, and we've said "you're not human, you're life unworthy of being lived, we can kill your for our personal convenience and nothing more." And think about it, we've been letting that happen for forty years, a million and a half babies a year ... four thousand a day, that's every day, as we carry on our business as usual. The Devil has allowed us to gradually get used to coexisting with abortion.

I think what has to happen is a bottom-up transformation of our culture, lead by the people of God. You know, abortion is just the epitome, the final, deadly malignant festering core of everything else that's happening in our culture, the sexual immorality, the perversion, the destruction of marriage, divorce, and homosexuality and all the rest of it. If sex is just recreational pastime, then abortion becomes virtually a practical necessity.