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Pastor Claims Ellen DeGeneres' Marriage Is Destroying America

Right-wing pastor and Christian Post columnist Larry Tomczak says he was “stunned and humbled” that Ellen DeGeneres responded yesterday to his recent incendiary anti-LGBT rant accusing the comedian, among others, of recruiting children into homosexuality.

Tomczak writes in his column today that he was merely trying to create a respectful and civil dialogue regarding homosexuality, before insisting that Ellen and her “partner” (scare quotes his) are harming children and their caregivers.

In fact, Tomczack claims, DeGeneres’ marriage and support for marriage equality will potentially doom “5000 years of Western civilization” and “the future of our nation” because marriage equality “opens the floodgates for other arrangements and legitimizes a lifestyle replete with dangerous, at-risk sexual behavior such as HIV/AIDS and over 30 STDs that are endangering lives, jeopardizing healthcare and impacting our economy.”

The conservative pastor insists that he is simply speaking the truth by condemning homosexuality, just like Martin Luther King, Jr. denounced racism.

Ellen, hasn't the time arrived for everyone involved in this dialogue on gay-related issues to lower our voices and approach one another with respect and civility though we have our differences? I know there's a lot of shouting and accusation and name calling on all sides of the gay debate, but how about you and I model something positive?

Remember the premise of my article was that Hollywood has a definite gay agenda and you're aligned with it. In 1997 you were on the cover of Time magazine declaring "Yes I'm Gay" after declaring it on your sitcom. You're an outspoken representative for the Human Rights Campaign "Coming Out Project" and member of the advocacy group PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays).

In the quote you shared on TV I want to reassure you that I never thought or implied that you were trying to purposefully influence young girls into lesbianism. Instead, my point was that, as an out and proud lesbian woman - probably the best known and most-loved in the world - you wield tremendous influence over these girls, and your influence is decidedly pro-lesbian. Wouldn't you agree?

Being 56 years old, childless and with your third "partner," you may not understand the awesome responsibility it is to shape impressionable and vulnerable children. I've done it with children and grandchildren plus helped parents for over 42 years with this most challenging task.

You once said, "I don't need a baby growing inside me for nine months. If I'm going to feel nauseous and achy when I wake up, I want to achieve that state the old-fashioned way-getting drunk the night before!"

Ellen, those of us raising children and grandchildren make lots of responsible choices to ensure the little ones entrusted to our care become productive, healthy individuals. In that spirit of kindness and compassion you advocate, give us the space we need here.

Finally, and this will probably be your biggest test with what I share, you obviously disagreed with the fact that I referred to your "marriage" in quotation marks. I am not trying to be offensive, yet appeal that you recognize truth can offend sensibilities of those choosing to reject it.

Ellen, a nation rises or falls on marriage. If we dismantle this pillar of society, as it has existed for over 5000 years of Western civilization and redefine it to accommodate other arrangements such as yours (or those advocating for polyamorous, polygamous or other configurations) what will be the consequences for this sacred institution and the future of our nation?

The true Christian Church must stand as a "sign of contradiction" amidst ever-changing cultural trends. With kindness and courage we must remain faithful to the truth, whether it is popular or not. We must honor a higher law than man, just as Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. expressed in his classic, "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" and is magnificently portrayed in the film "Selma."

In his song "Mercy," Bono stated that love is "charity and brings with it a clarity." So let me close by submitting to you with charity and clarity that marriage is and throughout history has always been the union of a man and a woman, regardless of what the courts say and regardless of how much you and Portia feel affection for each other. Here are just five of many reasons why gay "marriage" is morally wrong and cannot be called a righteous, authentic marital union.

1. It violates the clear and unambiguous moral teaching of the Scriptures, which serve as the basis for our Judeo Christian laws and foundations as a nation.

2. It is contradictory to the self-evident truths of "Mother Nature" or "Nature's God" (as our Founding Fathers expressed it) wherein men and women are designed and function differently, complement and complete each other, and through the wonder of marital union are able to procreate to perpetuate the human race.

3. It is contrary to the explicit teaching of every major world religion, which upholds the integrity of marriage and family.

4. It is an injustice and unequivocally harmful arrangement wherein our most precious entrustment, our children, are denied the love and nurture of a father and a mother who complement each other in a healthy family.

5. It redefines and devalues the sacred institution of marriage exclusively between a man and a woman, opens the floodgates for other arrangements and legitimizes a lifestyle replete with dangerous, at-risk sexual behavior such as HIV/AIDS and over 30 STDs that are endangering lives, jeopardizing healthcare and impacting our economy.