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Parsley: Satan Using Public Schools To Attack Children

Televangelist Rod Parsley is promoting his new book with a warning to parents about the dangers of public education, telling them that public schools are under Satan’s control.

“Our children are our righteous seed, and Satan is after them,” Parsley writes. “He has turned our public schools into cesspools of godless propaganda where God is publicly mocked and reviled. It is time to take a stand against the devil.” 

Parsley founded the private Harvest Preparatory School, which is based in his megachurch and has seen its share of controversy.

God made a covenant with Abraham and pronounced a multitude of blessings upon him. Why? Because God knew Abraham would raise his children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.

Abraham became the father of many nations, and the entire earth has been blessed through his seed. You are engrafted into the family of Abraham and are blessed because of his righteous seed.

Our children are our righteous seed, and Satan is after them. He has turned our public schools into cesspools of godless propaganda where God is publicly mocked and reviled.

It is time to take a stand against the devil. The blood-bought saints of God must rescue this generation with the blood of Jesus, with the Word of God, and with prayer. Pray a hedge of protection around the children in your life.

What stand is Christ calling you to make in Your family, at work, in church, and in your community? Are you will to stand up for Jesus no matter what the cost?

Jesus, give me the courage to stand firm on Your truth. Guide me in raising my children in the fear of God. Protect my children and family from every attack. Amen.