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Parshall: Gay Marriage Is The Work Of 'The Devil Himself'

When Ken Ham of Answers In Genesis attended the National Religious Broadcasters convention earlier this year, he sat down for an interview with Religious Right radio host Janet Parshall, who declared that marriage equality is literally the work of Satan and that ISIS and gay marriage are warning signs from God that His judgment is imminent.

"All of these assaults on the family, they might masquerade as legislative battles and judicial battles, but it's a spiritual battle," Parshall said. "It is the Devil himself, and I don't care how popular that sounds or not, going right to the core issue."

Gay marriage, she asserted, is an attempt to "negate who Christ is as the head of the church" and to call God a liar.

"How long will this go on?" she asked. "God has our attention. From ISIS to the redefinition of marriage, God is calling us to attention and if we ignore it, the church does it at its own peril":