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Paranoia-Rama: War On Christmas Hoax, Obama's Gay Revenge & The Plot To Nuke Charleston

RWW’s Paranoia-Rama takes a look at five of the week’s most absurd conspiracy theories from the Right.

Apparently, we here at Right Wing Watch are receiving secret information on the American public courtesy of the NSA. This week we learned top-secret details about the War on Christmas, along with the Obama administration’s false flag attacks and plan to nuke South Carolina. It’s all here in this week’s Paranoia-Rama:

5. Student Suspended For Saying ‘Merry Christmas’?

The National Report strikes again! An article from the satirical site about a San Francisco school suspending a nine-year-old student for wishing a “Merry Christmas” to an atheist teacher went viral this week, enraging War on Christmas belligerents. A real school with a similar name to the fictional school mnamed in the National Report’s spoof has been inundated with nasty calls and violent threats from angry people across the country who didn’t realize the article was a hoax.

Judging by the source, we wouldn’t be surprised if the story eventually gets a mention on Fox & Friends.

4. Indian Diplomat’s Arrest A Gay Plot

Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association believes that last week’s controversial arrest of an Indian diplomat in New York occurred not because of the diplomat’s alleged mistreatment of her housekeeper but as “payback” for an Indian supreme court decision recriminalizing homosexuality. “I think there is one simple reason: This is payback by President Obama because a week ago the supreme court in the country of India reinstated a law that bans homosexual sex, it criminalizes homosexual conduct,” Fischer said.

Legal disputes between the diplomat and her former maid have been going on for months and Secretary of State John Kerry expressed regret over the incident, but since Fischer is absolutely obsessed with gay issues it’s not like he needs any evidence to substantiate his case.

3. Obama Will Use NSA To Leak Information To Liberal Groups

Larry Klayman, the conservative attorney who successfully challenged the NSA’s domestic surveillance programs, seems convinced that President Obama will leak information collected by the NSA to progressive organizations, including us (even though our parent organization, People For the American Way, is part of a separate legal challenge to the NSA).

Klayman believes this is part of a plan “to destroy conservatives, libertarians, people of faith and anyone else who believes in true freedom” that will concentrate power in the hands of Obama’s “wildly ultra-leftist, atheist, anti-Judeo-Christian, anti-white and Muslim benefactors, supporters and friends.”

2. About That Guy Who Stopped Obama From Nuking Charleston…

As we’ve been reporting, conservative activist Jim Garrow is insistent that three military officials dealing with nuclear arms were fired because they stopped President Obama’s plan to nuke Charleston, South Carolina. Yesterday, the Washington Post ran a report on the actual reasons the one of the generals responsible for nuclear weapons was fired, including his excessive drinking and misbehavior.

Not that any of Garrow’s followers know or care, as we expect Garrow — who recently predicted the emergence of an anti-Obama “guerrilla war” — to continue to claim that the general was a great hero who saved America from a malicious Obama-Soros scheme.

1. Obama’s ‘False Flag’ Actress?

Leave it to Erik Rush to promote a bizarre blog post from a fringe right-wing website about how young women photographed crying at the scenes of the Aurora and Sandy Hook shootings and the Boston Marathon Bombing look similar, and therefore must be the same woman and an actress paid by President Obama.

The website, Moral Matters, says that the photos are proof that Obama is staging the violent events in order to distract from his “criminal scandals and his criminal ID fraud,” bolster gun control efforts and gut the Second Amendment. We wonder if Erik Rush will discuss this conspiracy theory the next time Fox News invites him on air.