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Paranoia-Rama: Trump's Latest Absurdity, Martial Law Fears & About Those Death Panels…

RWW’s Paranoia-Rama takes a look at five of the week’s most absurd conspiracy theories from the Right.

Another day, another Donald Trump conspiracy theory. We can’t wait to hear what new ones he comes up with before the election; that is, if President Obama doesn’t declare martial law to stop Trump before then.

5) There Is No Drought In California

Well, this list got outdated fast.

While speaking in Fresno, California, on Monday Trump said that there is no drought in the state, just a government that is destroying farmers in order to protect the environment and endangered species: “There is no drought, they turn the water out into the ocean.”

Of course, the drought in California is very real, and the claim that it was manufactured by environmentalists was touted by Trump’s ally and booster Alex Jones.

Phil Plait of Slate writes that Trump’s plan of “opening up the water” ignores the fact that “California simply doesn’t have an infinite supply of water.” Indeed, “California is suffering a massive drought, and has been for years…. 95 percent of the state is at least abnormally dry, and over 20 percent is having an ‘exceptional drought.’”

Climate change has also exacerbated the drought. According to Trump, however, Ctrl+Click or tap to follow the link"> climate change is nothing but a myth created by China.

4) Martial Law To Stop Trump

Far-right pundits Jim Bakker and Michael Snyder are very worried that Trump will never get to the White House because American leaders may Ctrl+Click or tap to follow the link"> impose martial law and cancel the upcoming election in order to thwart the presumptive GOP nominee’s rise to power.

3) The Death Panel Smear Returns

The death panels myth is still circulating around conservative media, despite the fact that the much-hyped claim that the Affordable Care Act will create such a body never materialized.

This week, Fox News pundit Sean Hannity even blamed these nonexistent panels for an unexpected rise in the death rate, citing no evidence whatsoever:

2) ‘A Demographic Form Of Genocide’

Anti-immigrant activist William Gheen believes that the remake of the miniseries “Roots” is part of a larger scheme to provoke a violent “summer of blood” and pave the way for “a demographic form of genocide,” telling WorldNetDaily to expect “complete civil disorder.”

“In the new interpretation of the novel they removed any remaining positive roles by white Americans and released it on Memorial Day in the run up to the election to agitate black voters into voting for Democrats and/or for violence if needed,” he said.

Gheen says it’s the same global factions who were behind the creation of the European Union that are now pushing for violent uprisings in the U.S. and to push the nation over the edge into chaos and, they hope, a new social order.

Gheen, who leads the group American for Legal Immigration PAC, previously said that the Obama administration is bringing undocumented immigrants to the U.S. in order to start “a conflict with White America.”

1) ‘The Gender Benders Are Especially Doing Satan’s Dark Bidding’

Leave it to Bill Muehlenberg to claim that LGBT rights advocates are part of a Satanic scheme to abuse children:

Here is a truth you can bank on: Satan absolutely hates children and is doing all he can to destroy them. He hates all of mankind of course, but he knows that if he can get to us while still young – or better yet, while still in the womb – he can be much more successful in his war against every good thing God has made.

Thus abortion is an obvious specialty of his. As are all the nefarious sexual attacks on our children. Thus he fully fuels the porn industry, turning men into sex addicts, many of whom will go on to sexually assault women, and sometimes even children.

Child abuse is about as far away as you can get from the will of God. Jesus offered very strong warnings for those who would harm children, and today we live in a society that routinely and proudly harms children. Despicable sex ed programs targeting even toddlers is also part of this demonic war on children.

So too is the radical homosexual agenda, and now the raging transgender agenda. As always, the activists know who to target: our vulnerable and innocent children. To get everyone fully into their diabolical agenda, they know that attacking our children is the best way to go about this.

And as mentioned, right now the gender benders are especially doing Satan’s dark bidding. They are deliberately, actively and defiantly going after our children, and they make no apologies for it. Indeed, they are loud and proud about it and openly celebrate it.