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Paranoia-Rama: Sharia Law Is Here, Civil War And Slavery Are Coming

RWW's Paranoia-Rama takes a look at five of the week's most absurd conspiracy theories from the Right.

This week, far-right activists broadcast their fears about America falling to Islamic rule, bloodshed and slavery. Any day now.

5) Sharia Courts

Jerry Boykin, an official with the Family Research Council who also serves as a national security adviser to Ted Cruz, is very worried that Sharia law is on the verge of taking hold in the U.S.

While speaking with Fred Jackson of the American Family Association, Boykin said that Sharia courts have already been established in Michigan and Texas, urging people to “wake up and take a stand against this and recognize the nature of the threat.”

Unfortunately for Boykin, rumors about Sharia courts in Michigan and Texas are bogus. The story about Sharia law in Michigan came from a fake news article, and the allegation about a Sharia court in Texas was actually a gross right-wing misrepresentation of Ctrl+Click or tap to follow the link"> a religious mediation panel similar to ones used by many Christians and Jews. The Houston Chronicle called the allegation the “2015 Texas Hoax of the Year.”

4) Civil War

The Oath Keepers, a far-right militia group, is always on the lookout for the coming civil war, which its founder, Stewart Rhodes, believes may soon arrive with armed patriots on one side and liberals, anarchists, gang members and radical Islamists on the other.

On its website, the group posted a message from Brandon Smith, who predicted that the election of Hillary Clinton would trigger an “outright civil war” while a Trump victory would signal a possible left-wing uprising:

I have said it before and I’ll say it again, if Hillary Clinton is chosen by the establishment to take Obama’s place, the result would probably be outright civil war in the U.S. The level of hatred among conservatives for that woman is so stratospheric I cannot see any other outcome. It might not happen immediately, but a solid bet would be conflagration within her first term.

With a Trump win, I could also see at the very least nationwide riots similar in tone to those that occurred in Ferguson, Missouri, with the social justice cultists running wild with their goofy slogans and molotov cocktails. These people are a paper tiger however, and are only a threat if they manage to convince a majority of the ethnic American population to follow their lead.

3) Buy Food Buckets Before It’s Too Late

Televangelist Jim Bakker knows that he has been called by God to warn people about the need to stock up on food, telling viewers this week to purchase survival food buckets to prepare for the coming crime wave and terrorist attacks caused by American immigration policy.

2) Liberalism Causes Depression

Feeling sad lately? Maybe even insane?

Well, David Kupelian of WorldNetDaily knows who to blame for that: liberals.

According to Kupelian, “the left is such a toxic influence, it is driving people crazy,” literally.

He told radio host Rick Green that the “insane,” “mad” and “hard, atheistic left that has taken over most of our institutions” has pushed patriotic Americans “completely over the edge”: “I’m talking about into drug addiction, into every type of addiction, food addiction, pornography, all the rest of it; into suicide, mental illness, depression.”

1) Putting Harriet Tubman On The $20 Bill Will Lead To Slavery

Leave it to InfoWars to come up with the most fearful reaction to the decision to put Harriet Tubman on the front of the $20 bill and move Andrew Jackson to the back. The conspiracy theorist network posted this column by Mac Slavo arguing that the move will inevitably lead to the “enslavement” of the masses:

Jackson narrowly succeeded in staving off banker domination of the U.S. during his day.

Of course, Andrew Jackson, who was the United States’ seventh president, was also a complete controversy his entire lifetime. It is no surprise that the same people who took down the Confederate flag from the South on the back of a mass shooting tragedy are now trying to tear down the image of a particularly controversial and intriguing figure from the American past.

Erasing Andrew Jackson from the faces of the fiat funny-money that is passed around by an increasingly ignorant and dependent society (which itself has adopted digital currency as the new norm) will further cut off the past from the masses, and ensure their enslavement.