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Paranoia-Rama: Obama's Murderous Endgame, New George Soros Conspiracy Theory, And Beware 'Sodomite Semen'

RWW’s Paranoia-Rama takes a look at five of the week’s most absurd conspiracy theories from the Right.

The GOP’s strong performance in this week’s elections hasn’t curbed far-right fears about the Obama presidency, and in fact, some fear that the president may now pursue extremely deadly policies. When not worrying about the government, conservatives are also suspicious about what gay people are doing to their coffee.

5) Obama Worse Than Stalin, Mao And Pol Pot

Rick Wiles has regularly warned that President Obama “will bring unspeakable violence and bloodshed to the soil of America” and even “destroy the country,” fearing that “every time there has been a dictator that has taken over a country, within a short period of time millions of people die and they are always Christians.”

This week, the “Trunews” host spoke to fellow End Times broadcaster Steve Quayle, who told Wiles that Obama will “supersede” violent dictators like Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin and Pol Pot.

4) Obama ‘Will Punish The Nation’ For Voting Republican

Right-wing talk show host Laurie Roth is urging Republicans in Congress to see the 2014 election as a mandate to “defend against everything Obama has cursed and touched” and begin “undoing massive damage at the hands of Obama.”

Writing in BarbWire today, Roth cautioned that Obama will take his anger over the GOP victories out on American citizens.

“Now there is not enough medication for the leftist media and Democrat-Zombie survivors. Well…they can deal with it. We have had to deal with them for the last 6 years from hell,” she said. “It is time to celebrate, then be aware and plan for the next Zombie moves from Obama and the left. Obama is mad now, more than ever and he will punish the nation severely through his executive orders, starting with the amnesty middle finger.”

Fortunately, Roth said, God is on the GOP’s side: “Bring it God…America needs and wants you again. We are coming back. Put your sunglasses on world because America will soon be very bright again.”

3) George Soros Is Behind Obama … And Wants Obama To Fail

Glenn Beck believes George Soros is pulling the strings of political events around the world, and according to Beck, Soros had a secret meeting with Hillary Clinton where he told her to “back off” and deliberately lose to in the 2008 Democratic primary race.

Beck posits that Soros knew Obama’s “radical things” would “cause all kinds of strife,” enabling Clinton to “come in as the moderate” when Obama’s time in office is over. Then, as Beck’s theory goes, Clinton can implement the final steps of their radical left-wing agenda: “You will be the one that was remembered for picking up all of the pieces and having the final transformation, you will be the mother of the country where Washington was the father of the country and this guy [Obama] will be remembered as the mother-blank of the country.”

2) The Great Voter Fraud Bust

Fearing that Democrats would rig the election with widespread voter fraud, the Tea Party-aligned group True the Vote recently unveiled a smart phone app that “will finally pull the curtain back on the myth that there is no voter fraud.”

But this week the app proved once again that voter fraud is, in fact, a myth, as True the Vote posted a mere 18 submissions from app users in an election where over 83 million people turned out to vote. Of the 18, just one dealt with an actual issue of voter fraud (potential voter impersonation, an extremely rare occurrence).

Most of the app’s posts dealt with irregularities that have nothing to do with True the Vote’s political agenda of passing restrictive voter ID laws, and “one report to True the Vote’s app chronicled a voter’s struggle with an overly restrictive voting law that True the Vote supports.”

One True the Vote gumshoe reported that an “African American woman working there was standing behind me watching me vote.” And because of horrific events like this, True the Vote and other conservative groups have successfully convinced GOP-controlled legislatures around the country to pass laws cracking down on voting rights.

1) Sodomite Semen In Your Starbucks!

We knew anti-gay activists were no fans of Starbucks, but Harlem pastor James David Manning took their concerns to a whole new level in recent commentary on “The Manning Report.”

He managed to link a recent small protest outside of his church, where two people handed out Starbucks coffee, to “homosexual sodomite” Dr. Craig Spencer, the New York man who contracted Ebola in Guinea (and who has a girlfriend).

“Starbucks is a place where these types frequent and a lot of body fluids are exchanged there and Ebola,” Manning said, warning that Starbucks has been “taking specimens of male semen and they were putting it in the blends of their lattes.” He added: “My suspicion is that they’re getting their semen from sodomites. Somebody has discovered that semen like cord blood has millions of little zygotes in it and flavors up the coffee, and makes you thinks you’re having a good time.”

“This is the absolute truth,” he said, citing a satirical article.