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Paranoia-Rama: Obama's Ebola Plot And The Gay-ISIS Recruitment Strategies

RWW’s Paranoia-Rama takes a look at five of the week’s most absurd conspiracy theories from the Right.

Now that a Liberian man who flew to Dallas this week has become the first person to develop Ebola symptoms in the U.S., the right-wing media is doing what it does best: freak out and blame everything on President Obama. Or maybe Ebola is just a distraction from Obama’s plot to seize everyone’s guns while gay people and ISIS attempt to “recruit” American children.

5. Ebolagate

It seems conservative pundits are trying to one-up each other to come up with the most insane ways to connect Obama to the case of a person in Dallas being diagnosed with Ebola after traveling from Liberia.

Laura Ingraham suggested that Obama is threatening the health of Americans due to his “core ties to the African continent,” saying Obama’s “familial connection to Africa” is the reason why flights from West Africa are still entering the U.S., while Michael Savage said Obama “wants to infect the nation with Ebola” by sending U.S. troops to West Africa who will then contract Ebola and spread it when they are back in the U.S.

It was only a matter of time before a Republican congressman embraced the latest conspiracy theory emerging from right-wing talk radio, and of course, this honor once again belongs to Rep. Louie Gohmert, who told Fox Business that Obama wants to “send 3,000 military into where they can get Ebola that they can bring back,” even though, as the Texas Republican astutely noted, “the military’s not trained to go catch Ebola and die.”

4. The Gays Are Coming

There’s only one thing worse than Ebola, and that’s “a gay” who is trying to “recruit” your son, or so explained “doctors” Paul Cameron and Gordon Klingenschmitt this week on Klingenschmitt’s acclaimed show “Pray In Jesus Name.”

3. Obama Taking Your Guns, Again

Naturally, Fox News commentators believe that a bill to expand background checks on firearm purchasers and a proposed treaty to codify practices in the transnational arms trade are actually attempts to ban guns for everybody. In fact, Fox News’ Steve Doocy and Andrew Napolitano believe that, thanks to Obama’s fictional gun-grab, Americans everywhere are in constant risk of getting decapitated.

“The problem is the President of the United States who is doing everything he can, administratively as the chief executive officer of the federal government, and attempting to now get us to enact a treaty to make it very, very difficult to carry guns,” Napolitano fumed following the beheading of a woman in Oklahoma City by a former coworker, adding that Obama wants “to intimidate people out of getting guns because the president believes that he and the government — and all logic defies this — can keep us safer that we can keep our self.”

Doocy then hit Napolitano with a hardball question: “So if Barack Obama could, he would ban guns in the hands of everybody except the police?”

“He has made that patently clear, his problem is the Second Amendment,” Napolitano responded.

2. Ben Carson Is Worried

Ben Carson is worried about a lot of things. For starters, he is very, very concerned that the Democrats may introduce so much anarchy to America that the 2016 elections won’t even take place.

Now, the likely GOP presidential candidate has a greater fear: the Advanced Placement U.S. History curriculum.

As we’ve noted, there is a new crusade in conservative circles to incite opposition to the course, with one Colorado school district attempting to replace the allegedly anti-American curriculum with one that is more “patriotic.”

Carson, a self-proclaimed historian, said this week that he is “shocked” by the advanced placement course’s emphasis on the “evils” of slavery and massacres of Native Americans, suggesting that the curriculum is a recruiting tool for terrorists: “I mean, I think most people when they finish that course, they’d be ready to go sign up for ISIS. This is what we’re doing to the young people in our nation and we have got to stop this silliness, we have got to stop crucifying ourselves.”

Carson is not alone, as Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council has also connected ISIS to the curriculum.

1. We’re Doomed

Pundit and prophet Glenn Beck has been predicting America’s demise for a while now, and the case of a man in Dallas diagnosed with Ebola after traveling from Liberia is proof enough that the U.S. is about to experience a “massive humbling.”