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Paranoia-Rama: Obama's Ban On Dogs, Gays Cause Earthquakes And 'Socialist' Medicare Destroyed America

RWW’s Paranoia-Rama takes a look at five of the week’s most absurd conspiracy theories from the Right.

This week, Americans marked the 50th anniversary of the death of freedom and the introduction of communism with the 1965 legislation creating Medicare and Medicaid. And as if things weren’t already bad enough for America, now we are witnessing a looming ban on dogs and the threat of gay-marriage-induced earthquakes.

5) Obama’s Islamist Dog Ban

Talk radio conspiracy theorist Michael Savage thinks that President Obama has a lot in store for the last year and a half of his presidency, such as murdering his critics,seeking a third term and “ destroying us entirely.”

However, no scheme is as serious as the one Savage exposed on his Monday show, when he suggested that Obama’s policies may lead to a ban on dogs.

Accusing the president of “bringing in 100,000” Muslims to the U.S. every month, Savage warned that the Islamists who will soon run the country may “ban dogs.”

Meanwhile, a fake conservative news site has already sparked outrage after publishing a story alleging that Dearborn, Michigan, banned alcohol as part of an effort “to turn Dearborn into an Islamic State.”

4) Confederate Flag Shielding Planned Parenthood Phony Scandal

Sarah Palin appeared on “The O’Reilly Factor” this week to promote the myths that Planned Parenthood isprofiting off organ harvesting and targeting minority women to have abortions, alleging that people who care about the Confederate flag on public land don’t care that the women’s health organization is using black leaders like President Obama to “deceive” women into believing that they should have abortions.

The former Republican vice presidential candidate offered up this characteristically lucid explanation: “This is kind of symbolic of our political correctness absurdity and the absurdity of some persons’ priorities when they are concerned more about a symbol that had representative the negative many years ago compared to today. Thousands and thousands of babies, obviously, we’ve seen in the news over and over with Planned Parenthood, being butchered and having their baby parts sold, people in some parts are paying a whole lot more attention to the flag controversy than they are about what Planned Parenthood their barbaric practices are.”

3) Gay Pride Marches Cause Earthquakes

Forget what you learned in science class! Thanks to John McTernan of USA Prophecy, we now know the true sources of earthquakes and hurricanes.

“There has been tremendous disasters hitting America at the very same time that America is turning from God,” McTernan explained. “On gay pride day, there have been huge earthquakes, I’m talking about on the very day; Supreme Court decisions, pro-abortion, and that hurricanes slamming in, droughts and things like that. And I believe it’s God warning America to stop the course, actually repent and it will be the church to do this.”

Sadly, McTernan told “Pray In Jesus Name” host Gordon Klingenschmitt that the U.S. has “ crossed the line of no return with legalizing homosexual marriage ,” something he said has not been done since “the time of Noah.”

“There’s not too much time left for America,” he said, adding that Christians will now face persecution by liberals who “hate us as much as the Nazis hated the Jews and they’re acting on it now” and “want to destroy us.”

2) Gays Cause Child Abuse

Klingenschmitt, who also serves as a Colorado Republican state representative, not only wants his viewers to know that gay pride demonstrations cause earthquakes, but also that gay people are bent on sexually abusing children.

Addressing the Boy Scouts of America’s recent decision to end its ban on gay members over the age of 18 (the group already lifted its prohibition on gay minors), Klingenschmitt claimed that parents must get their kids out of the BSA because openly gay scoutmasters will molest their children on camping trips .

Apparently, his remarks aren’t sitting well with fellow members of the Colorado state House, with even a Republican legislative leader denouncing his “hurtful” and “inflammatory rhetoric.”

1) Happy 50th Birthday, Medicare!

As Medicare turns 50 this week, the program enjoys widespread popularity, even among members of the Tea Party .

But it almost wasn’t so. Back in the 1960s, Medicare proposals came under fierce attacks from conservatives, including future President Ronald Reagan , who said that the program would lead to the end of freedom as a tyrannical, socialist government dominated the country. Sound familiar?

Just listen to Reagan’s 1961 remarks, complete with fake quotes and baseless speculation about “socialized medicine,” to see how the Right has stuck to a familiar playbook even after all these years: