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Paranoia-Rama: Obama's Alien Mission, Comic Book Communism & How Salsa Is Destroying America

RWW’s Paranoia-Rama takes a look at five of the week’s most absurd conspiracy theories from the Right.

Did you know that you can be thrown in jail simply for criticizing President Obama? Or that Obama will soon pretend to speak with aliens as part of a ploy to silence the criticism that he has apparently already criminalized? Learn more in this week’s edition of Paranoia-Rama:

5. Obama’s Alien-Canadian Plot

Since President Obama failed to nuke the U.S. and kill 90 percent of Americans, activist Jim Garrow claims that he is now preparing “the greatest deception that mankind has ever faced”: contact with alien life.

Apparently, attempting to nuke America didn’t help the president become more popular, so Garrow reasons that the president will now try to improve his polling numbers by pretending to be in “communication with people from other civilizations beyond Earth.” Garrow argues that if that doesn’t work, Obama will call in troops from Canada to start repressing and killing civilians… including Garrow himself.

4. Mexican Food Destroying America

The White Nationalists over at VDARE are outraged by the way the Associated Press reported on salsa becoming America’s No. 1 condiment. VDARE linked the stories of salsa overtaking ketchup to the War on Christmas, arguing that the media is trying to undercut America’s cultural identity with “Hispanic Cuisine Hype” and “the Demographic-Change-Is-Inevitable theme.”

Blogger Allan Wall asked, ruefully, if the “historic American nation” is about to be “radically transformed, beyond recognition, without our permission?”

3. Nelson Mandela Comic Book Is Dangerous Communist Brainwashing

Accuracy In Media’s Cliff Kincaid is upset about the release of a new comic book chronicling the life of Nelson Mandela, which Kincaid fears will indoctrinate kids into communism by not calling Mandela a communist.

“If used in schools and libraries, this comic book will deceive ‘students and reluctant readers’ about how communism has come to power in South Africa. What purpose is served by that?” Kincaid asks. “It will enable the same forces to make even more gains around the world, including in the United States, by operating as ‘progressives.’”

He is also upset that people refer to South Africa as a democratic state, as Kincaid believes it is a communist nation committing anti-white genocide.

2. It Is Now Illegal To Criticize Obama!

If it was a crime to criticize President Obama, then almost everyone we monitor here on RightWingWatch would probably be in jail right now. But televangelists Jim Bakker and Rick Joyner now seem to believe that the government has banned criticism of Obama.

“Usually I don’t mention the president anymore, it’s very frightening, because they can take and put you in prison now if you speak out against our leaders,” Bakker said. “I don’t know what happened to America, this is not the America I knew when I was a boy.” Joyner added: “I believe if we don’t speak out we’re all going to be in prison very, very soon.”

Of course, this is the exact same shtick that the far right used to gin up fear and anger during the debate over the 2009 Hate Crimes Prevention Act. Religious Right activists predicted that anti-gay activists and pastors would be thrown into jail as soon as the law was enacted. Of course, they were lying.

1. Benghazi Conspiracy Theory Gets Even More Desperate

As their conspiracy theory surrounding the 2012 Benghazi attack continues to unravel, now right-wing activists and Republicans claim the New York Times is part of a cover-up…of something.

After a Times investigation into the incident debunked the GOP’s messaging about the attack and the administration’s response, Republican congressmen including Mike Rogers, Trey Gowdy and Lynn Westmoreland are now saying that the Times editorial board must have concocted the report in order to help Hillary Clinton’s potential presidential campaign.

Of course, the congressmen have absolutely no evidence to back up any of their allegations, but it’s not like a lack of evidence got in the way of their increasingly desperate and partisan Benghazi witch hunt.