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Paranoia-Rama: Obama Will 'Mow Down' White People While 'Big Sodomy' Takes Over America

RWW’s Paranoia-Rama takes a look at five of the week’s most absurd conspiracy theories from the Right.

Conservative activists know the truth about President Obama’s agenda to destroy America by murdering white people, opening the border, ending the freedom of religion and aiding terrorist groups. And all of these things will happen any day now….

5. Obama Wants To Kill White People

Conservative talk show host Michael Savage is worried that readers may not get their hands on his book, “Stop the Coming Civil War,” because they may already be dead … thanks to President Obama!

Savage warned listeners that Obama is hoping to “stimulate insurrection in this country in order to declare martial law” and “mow down” white people who are protesting immigration reform.

“The most racist administration in American history,” Savage explained, has made sure that the “entire government is geared up to fight a war against white people” and gun down “all you evil white crackers.”

4. Border Vigilantes Confront Conservationists

A frequent message among anti-immigrant activists is that the federal government is refusing to do its job in guarding the border, and therefore civilians should consider joining border patrol militias to stop the purported massive flood of immigrants, sometimes with tragic results.

Calls to join such vigilante groups only increased with the rise of unaccompanied minors fleeing drug violence in Central America, even though the minors were actually seeking out border patrol officers.

This week, one of these armed groups ambushed a group of geologists who were “counting bats in a local cave” for a wildlife survey. One of the researchers told the Huffington Post, “We didn’t know what they were doing. We started hiding behind rocks. We’re not doing what they’re saying, and they’re acting kind of jumpy. … We had them yelling at us with spotlights, acting like they have some kind of authority.”

Of course, that led actual Border Patrol officers to come to the scene of the (non)crime…taking time away from their, well, actual job that they are supposedly not doing.

3. ‘Big Sodomy’ On The March

Not only are immigrants and President Obama trying to destroy America, but so is “Big Sodomy.”

According to far-right activist and BarbWire columnist Lee Duigon, “wicked officials in thrall to Big Sodomy” will “force churches to perform same-sex ‘marriage’ exercises” and make sure “pastors and priests will be punished if they speak against it.”

He goes on to warn that religious freedom and free speech will be banned due to “insatiable and unappeasable” gay rights advocates, who will force Christians in America to “form house churches, as the Christians do in China.”

“Never, never speak of a same-sex coupling as ‘marriage.’ It is no marriage, and will never be,” Duigon writes. “The hard part will be to decide what to do when they come for your children.”

2. Obama’s Clandestine Mosque Visit

Kamal Saleem, a Religious Right activist who insists he used to be a terrorist for dozens of different groups before coming to America to wage “culture jihad,” believes that the media is “suffocating the truth” about President Obama’s secret Muslim faith and support for radical Islamic terrorists.

For example, Saleem said Obama is covering up the “fact” that Obama attended a Washington, D.C. mosque on Christmas: “We see him on Christmas, he goes to the mosque, on Christmas Day he’s in a mosque in Washington D.C. taking his shoes off to celebrate that day on Christmas Day in a Washington D.C. mosque.”

Of course, Obama has actually been in his home state of Hawaii on Christmas in every single year of his presidency.

1. Obama Said ‘ISIL’ … Impeach!

As you may know, there are different translations for the group known as ISIS or ISIL. Some translate the last word of the group’s name, “al-Sham,” as Syria; others translate it as the region encompassing Greater Syria, or the Levant.

But according to Pamela Geller, President Obama uses the latter translation, “ISIL,” because he wants “to distract, dissemble, deceive and disarm the American people” by using a confusing term like “the Levant.”

Never mind the fact that Geller actually uses “ISIL” on her anti-Muslim blog and told her own readers that “the correct name is ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant).” Following Geller’s own logic, she too must want to “disarm” America! 

The wise Fox News anchors on “Outnumbered,” have their own idea as to why Obama uses “ISIL”…because he is “tipping his hat to them” and wants to distract Americans that he is a big failure of a president.

As Thomas Bishop of Media Matters points out, other Fox News commentators have used the acronym “ISIL” as well, but never mind that!