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Paranoia-Rama: Obama Is Helping 'His ISIS Buddies,' Introducing 'National Socialism' And Persecuting Conservatives

RWW’s Paranoia-Rama takes a look at five of the week’s most absurd conspiracy theories from the Right.

While he isn’t busy persecuting conservative activists, President Obama spends his time helping ISIS fighters avoid airstrikes…that he himself ordered. At least, that’s what we learned this week in the alternate reality of the far-right.

5. Stop Persecuting Tony Perkins, Says Tony Perkins

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins has made it quite clear that he believes anti-gay activists like himself will soon be forced into the “boxcars” that will be “hauling off Christians” to concentration camps, and he has kept up the warnings of impending persecution while discussing the FRC’s Values Voter Summit, which starts today.

In a fundraising appeal to FRC supporters this week, Perkins warned that “American democracy simply cannot survive” the attacks coming from “far Left activists and the radical homosexual lobby.” Oh his “Washington Watch” radio show, he recounted the purported ways that Democrats and progressive groups are trying to “silence” him and overturn the First Amendment.

4. Dinesh D’Souza Is Also Being Persecuted, Of Course

After switching his plea from not guilty to guilty for making illegal campaign donations, a felony, conservative activist Dinesh D’Souza was sentenced to eight months probation in a community confinement center along with psychological therapy. The sentencing prompted yet another media tour for D’Souza, who insisted that his prosecution for breaking the law — which he admitted to doing — amounts to political persecution.

D’Souza boasted in an interview with WorldNetDaily that the government was not “successful in shutting me up,” and the conservative activist told Glenn Beck that the prosecution came at the orders from the “petty” President Obama. Beck even said that D’Souza “is a political prisoner,” despite the fact that D’Souza was not sentenced to any prison time.

3. ‘National Socialism’ a-Comin’

Sen. Pat Roberts is doing whatever it takes to salvage his foundering re-election campaign, and this week he alleged that, as a result of President Obama’s time in office, “our country is heading for national socialism.”

Roberts defended his remarks by explaining that Obama wants to turn the U.S. into “a European socialistic state,” adding: “You can’t tell me anything that he has not tried to nationalize.”

And if rhetoric like that doesn’t work, Roberts will shore up his standing with the Tea Party crowd with the help of his latest booster: Sarah Palin.

2. People Who Believe In Climate Change Are Just Like Hitler

Rush Limbaugh knows the real reason people believe that human activities are influencing climate change. No, not because there is a consensus among climate scientists on the matter, but as Limbaugh explains, “it’s all politics.”

“It is a politics that intentionally insults the intelligence of people and preys on the dumb and the stupid and the weak,” Limbaugh said while definitely not projecting. In order to find “meaning in their lives,” Limbaugh explained, people start thinking they have the power to “save the planet” and start to feel “their new life has meaning” and that “they can make a difference.”

And you know who else thought he could make a difference with his life? Hitler.

“Hitler made a difference,” he said. “Stop and think about that.”

1. Obama Is Shielding ISIS While Bombing Them

Conservatives are having a difficult time rationalizing the fact that President Obama has launched hundreds of airstrikes against ISIS and other extremist groups while at the same time insisting that he is a secret Muslim and terrorist sympathizer.

Tom DeLay, for instance, said that Obama is doing nothing to stop ISIS and “ought to wear a pink t-shirt because he is an anti-war president,” while Rick Wiles wondered if Obama is protecting “his ISIS buddings” and has possibly tipped them off to U.S. airstrike targets.

American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer had his own take, arguing that the Obama administration is deliberately trying to hit empty buildings and minimize casualties among the ISIS ranks.