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Paranoia-Rama: Obama 'Dictator For Life,' Evils Of Facebook, And Robin Williams' Demonic Possession

RWW’s Paranoia-Rama takes a look at five of the week’s most absurd conspiracy theories from the Right.

This week, we learned about the real, sinister agendas of President Obama, the gay rights movement and Facebook.

5. Is Obama Planning To Kill 25 Million People?

No, Obama isn’t planning on killing 25 million people! “The number targeted for termination is probably much higher,” according to Sher Zieve, who posted a column this week on Obama’s genocidal plans on Matt Barber’s conservative outlet BarbWire.

Zieve claims that Obama wants to “eliminate at least 25,000,000 people” — and possibly “many more millions of us” — because he needs to make room for undocumented immigrants. She fears that after killing tens millions of Americans, Obama will then give their homes to immigrants, who will then support his political goals.

Obviously, this will happen any day now.

4. Obama Will Declare Himself ‘Dictator For Life’

In a column for Alan Keyes’ Renew America, Rev. Austin Miles said he knows for a fact that President Obama was born in Kenya because she read it on a “Kenya newspaper’s website.” Unfortunately, “it was scrubbed along with the birth certificate” as “the entire area covered up Obama’s background,” and now only Miles knows the truth.

But that is the least of his worries, as Miles also claims that the Communist Party USA stole the 2012 election and will make Obama “dictator for life.”

Let this be clear: Obama was PLACED in the Oval Office for the express purpose of destroying America. His Communist handlers (CPUSA) found him in Kenya, his birthplace, and groomed him.

The CPUSA also manipulated that second Obama "election" and if this works out like the Communists plan, that would be thelast free election in America. The plan is for Obama to use Executive Order to declare himself, Dictator for Lifein 2016.

Meanwhile the cowardly republicans and democrats who are NOT members of the Communist Party, will do nothing to stop this madness, when they could have him properly REMOVED from office. He should be promptly ESCORTED out of that office which he hijacked and taken to Federal Prison.

3. Gay Marriage Will ‘Obliterate’ Religious Freedom

The group Texas Values convened a press conference to warn their fellow Texans that marriage equality proponents don’t really care about marriage, as they only care about persecuting conservativesundermining the state’s population growth and throwing thousands of pastors in jail.

Texas Values leader Jonathan Saenz, who in the past worried that the LGBT community wants to throw Christians in concentration camps and “terrorize women and children,” even alleged that gay rights advocates want to “destroy” marriage, “attack churches,” and make sure “religious liberty will be obliterated.”

We wonder if his over-the-top rhetoric has anything at all to do with news emerging that his ex-wife left him for another woman.

2. Facebook Is Persecuting Conservatives!

Janet Porter believes that Facebook is censoring conservatives from Kirk Cameron to Peter LaBarbera because of their views on homosexuality, and now is taking a stand for freedom by launching an alternative social media site, ReaganBook.

“I think there are some people that are threatened by freedom of speech,” she told Fox News this week. “People are used to the silencing of all dissent. That's not what this country is founded on…. ReaganBook is putting freedom on the offensive.”

But despite her claims that ReaganBook will be a haven for the freedom of speech, Porter took the website offline apparently because it had a little bit too much speech…from liberals who made fun of the website. The Faith 2 Action leader said ReaganBook will now take steps to become a “more secure site,” free “from obscenity, pornography, and those intent on the destruction of life, liberty, and the family.”

1. WND: Robin Williams Was Possessed

WorldNetDaily has come out with a very tasteful and respectful way to honor the late Robin Williams… by selling a movie about how Williams and other celebrities are possessed by demons.

The right-wing outlet posted an excerpt from Joe Schimmel to help promote his DVD series on Satan’s supposed role in the music industry, and Schimmel claims that Williams admitted to being possessed:

Everybody is currently talking about Robin Williams and his tragic suicide. Many are puzzled as to how a man, who made so many people laugh, could be so depressed that he would violently end his life. What people are not learning is the deeper truth about the insidious forces that tormented Robin Williams and drove him to suicide.

Robin Williams acknowledged that he had opened himself up to transformative demonic powers that aided him on stage. Without the aid of such demonic powers, it is likely that you would have never have heard of Robin Williams and many other famous celebrities. Williams also recognized that these powers had manifested a very evil influence on stage and that there could be a hefty price to pay for their assistance.