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Paranoia-Rama: Democratic War On Whites, Cliven Bundy's Divine Standoff & Ebola vs Gays

RWW’s Paranoia-Rama takes a look at five of the week’s most absurd conspiracy theories from the Right.

Anti-gay activists seem rather convinced that they are facing Nazi and Jim Crow-style oppression, while one Religious Right commentator hopes that Ebola will free them from gay persecution by “solving America’s problem” with homosexuality.

5) Gays Are The New Bull Connor

The Religious Right campaign to claim that they are facing horrendous, unspeakable persecution keeps getting more pathetic this week.

RedState blogger Erick Erickson, for one, is pretty sure that gay rights advocates want to transform America into a “society bent on suicide,” and have apparently adopted “the tactics of Bull Connor” to push their destructive agenda.

After channeling Bryan Fischer and Brian Brown in framing Christians in the U.S. as the victims of a new Jim Crow, the Georgia-based activist went on to say that American Christians will face dire persecution at the hands of gays: “a faith that survived its followers being used as torches to light the streets of Rome will survive a modern age hell bent on ruthlessly stamping it out.”

That wasn’t the only sad persecution article written this week, with Scott Lively writing that gays are treating Religious Right activists the same way the Nazis oppressed the Jews, and Bill Muehlenberg warning that “the cult of homosexualism” is the “coming world religion which will enslave the entire world.”

4) Michelle Nunn (And George H.W. Bush!) In With Islamic Terrorists

The pro-GOP group Ending Spending Action Fund is running a TV ad in Georgia blasting U.S. Senate candidate Michelle Nunn for leading a foundation that “directed grants to an Islamic group tied to radical terrorists.”

The advertisement refers to her time as CEO of the Points of Light Foundation, a group founded by former president George H.W. Bush.

Before Nunn even took the job, Points of Light ran a business called MissionFish that “allowed eBay sellers and buyers to direct all or part of the proceeds from a transaction to their favorite charity,” according to PolitiFact. One of the approximately 20,000 nonprofit organizations that eBay users directed proceeds to was Islamic Relief USA, a charitable group, which over a period of several years received $33,000 through the program.

Based on that damning evidence, Ending Spending’s advertisement accused Nunn of “directing grants to an Islamic group tied to radical terrorists.”

Since Bush founded the Points of Light Foundation, we wonder if Ending Spending believes the former president is also implicated in terrorism.

3) Democrats Waging ‘War On Whites’

Rep. Mo Brooks thinks the reason the GOP has a problem attracting Latino voters is because of “the war on whites that’s being launched by the Democratic Party.” Democrats, the Alabama congressman claims, tell people of color “that whites hate everybody else” in order to win their votes.

Just in case you thought that might have been a gaffe, Brooks later claimed that federal law is discriminatory against white people: “What is the one race that can be discriminated against?… All whites.”

2) God Directed Cliven Bundy To Save America

The Obama administration was just about to start taking away everyone’s guns and forming a police state until Cliven Bundy stopped them! Well, that’s what happened according to Cliven Bundy, who recently told a meeting of the Independent American Party, a Third Party to the right of the GOP, that his standoff with the federal government over his refusal to pay grazing fees was part of a spiritual battle against government tyranny:

"If the standoff with the Bundys was wrong, would the Lord have been with us?" Bundy asked, noting that no one was killed as tensions escalated. "Could those people that stood without fear and went through that spiritual experience … have done that without the Lord being there? No they couldn't."

Bundy also cited personal inspiration from God in establishing his course of action.

"The Lord told me ... if (the sheriff doesn't) take away these arms (from federal agents), we the people will have to face these arms in a civil war. He said, 'This is your chance to straighten this thing up,'" Bundy said.

In a radio interview this week, Bundy was even more explicit: “I have no idea what God wants done, but he did inspire me to have the sheriffs across the United States take away these weapons, disarm these bureaucracies, and he also gave me a little inspiration on what would happen if they didn’t do that…. It was indicated that ‘this is our chance, America, to straighten this problem up. If we don’t solve this problem this way, we will face these same guns in a civil war.’”

1) Ebola: Good Or Bad?

Rick Wiles is afraid that the Ebola outbreak will not only leave people dead, but will also be used by President Obama to create an oppressive, totalitarian government. Obama, Wiles believes, may even try to spread Ebola by pushing defective vaccines.

But maybe, maybe, Ebola isn’t so bad, Wiles explains. The End Times radio host said on one program that “Ebola could solve America’s problems with atheism, homosexuality, sexual promiscuity, pornography and abortion.”