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Paranoia-Rama: Bundy Ranch Showdown, 'Gay Jihadists' & Fox News's Fear Of Muslim Voters

RWW’s Paranoia-Rama(link is external) takes a look at five of the week’s most absurd conspiracy theories from the Right.

On top of all the dizzying anti-government rhetoric emanating from the Bundy Ranch fiasco, the right-wing still had time this week for extremist and bizarre claims about gays, Muslim-Americans and Hillary Clinton.

5. Bundy Ranch Rallying Cry

Fox News(link is external), Tea Party groups(link is external) and the Koch brothers-backed Americans for Prosperity (link is external) have become major cheerleaders for Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and his allied militias (link is external) in their lawless stance against Bureau of Land Management(link is external), consistently citing debunked claims(link is external) that the BLM is working on behalf of a solar energy project led by Harry Reid and a Chinese firm(link is external).

Fox News host Sean Hannity hinted that the government was trying to murder Bundy(link is external), and his network colleague Todd Starnes suggested that violence would have been an appropriate response (link is external) to the authorities who confronted Bundy after his defiance of several court rulings(link is external).

Conservative activists and commentators have compared Bundy to Rosa(link is external) Parks(link is external) and Mahatma Gandhi(link is external) and likened the militia members (link is external) to the colonists who fought the Battle of Bunker Hill.

Astoundingly, the violent rhetoric of Bundy and his supporters(link is external) was even too much for Glenn Beck(link is external).

4. The ‘Gay Jihad’

Liberty Counsel’s Matt Barber, whose over-the-top columns are so unbelievable that he may in fact be deliberately trying to embarrass the conservative movement and undermine it from within, this week warns(link is external) that “‘gay’ jihadists,” along with the “power class of cultural Marxists and left-wing statists,” are pushing an “anti-Christian, sexually anarchist sociopolitical agenda.”

“Most people are naturally repulsed by the mechanics of homosexual conduct,” Barber writes, warning that their “filthy practice” is “the squalid, unnatural and feculent abuse of both the reproductive and digestive systems. Yuck.”

Therefore, he warns that gays need to take over public schools and the media in order to “indoctrinate” the public against their better instincts to oppose gay rights.

But Barber goes on to lament that most people aren’t as smart or brave as he is, leaving them easy prey of the gay “jihad.”

3. America’s Star Of David Badge?

Eagle Forum’s national political chairwoman Sandy McDade says that while she wants the governor to require people show a photo ID in order to vote, she opposes the REAL ID Act because it will turn America into Nazi Germany.

McDade, who also heads Eagle Forum’s Louisiana chapter, testified at a Louisiana legislative hearing on Tuesday against a REAL ID compliant driver’s license bill, warning that a gold star on the license is reminiscent of the Star of David badge that the Nazis forced Jewish people to wear(link is external).

2. Birth of the Shoe Truthers

It was only a matter of time before conservative activists conjured up a conspiracy theory(link is external) about the incident in which a woman threw a shoe at Hillary Clinton while she was delivering a speech in Las Vegas. Writing for Fox News commentator Bernard Goldberg’s blog, Arthur Louis speculated that “Hillary arranged to have the shoe thrown at her(link is external)” in order to “make her seem presidential.”

Herman Cain, who at one point was the frontrunner for the 2012 GOP presidential nomination, suggested that Clinton engaged in “fakery(link is external),” and tweeted an article from his website’s editor-in-chief, Dan Calabrese, about how “only a completely naive fool” would believe that Clinton didn’t stage the incident.

In the article, Calabrese carefully analyzed Clinton’s movements when the shoe was thrown in her direction, concluding(link is external) that she had a “snarky grin on her face” and did not have “a natural reflex action.” “Listen carefully to the inflection,” he wrote. “I'm just asking: Did that sound sincere?”

Rush Limbaugh also weighed in, saying that he wouldn’t reject the “shoe truther” conspiracy theory (link is external) because it all could have been a ploy to discredit conservatives who criticize the former secretary of state’s handling of the Benghazi attack.

So, it should come as no surprise that less than 24 hours after Chelsea Clinton announced that she is pregnant with her first child, we already have Clinton baby truthers(link is external).

1. Muslims Can Vote? What A Scandal!

Of course, Fox News hosts Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Steve Doocy believe that a new group working to increase the civic involvement of the Muslim-American community is a dangerous threat to the US, so they invited former congressman Allen West to spread insane fears about the Muslim Brotherhood taking over the country.

Because only to Fox News is an effort to increase voting and participation in public life an attempt “to wage jihad from within(link is external).”