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Pamela Geller: Obama Is Enforcing Sharia

Anti-Muslim activist Pamela Geller despaired in a radio interview today that the 28 classified pages of the 9/11 Commission Report that some say contain evidence of Saudi Arabia’s complicity in the 2001 terrorist attacks will never be made public because within 50 years, the U.S. will “be living under the boot of Sharia.”

Geller told St. Louis talk radio host Jamie Allman this morning that President Obama and Hillary Clinton are already, in fact, enforcing Islamic law in the United States.

“The more jihad there is, the more Sharia enforcement there is,” she said, “the more you are admonished, the more you are clubbed about the head like a baby seal to be kind and be aware of backlash-ophobia, any criticism of jihad and Sharia is considered racist even though Islam is not a race. That’s where we are and it’s getting worse.”

Geller said she disagreed with those who say that “it’s getting better” because Donald Trump is “bringing up these important subjects,” claiming that Trump’s rhetoric has just made Obama “enforce Sharia” to a greater extent: “No! What happens is, is the more anyone talks about it, the more the Islamophobia enforcement team, Obama’s team at the Department of Justice, at the U.S. Attorneys office, goes into action to enforce Sharia, that’s what’s happening.”

She then addressed the issue of the 9/11 Commission Report. “When is this going to become declassified?” she asked. “In 50 years? I mean, it will never become declassified in 50 years because we’ll be living under the boot of Sharia. And don’t think it can’t happen, because it’s happening. Under these hate speech laws, you cannot criticize Islam.”

As evidence of the supposed imposition of hate speech laws in the U.S., she cited the State Department’s original assertions that the 2012 Benghazi attack was connected with an anti-Islam video (“That’s Sharia, ladies and gentlemen!”) and an out-of-context line of a speech Obama gave after the 2012 attack (“That is Sharia!”).