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Pamela Geller Distorts Internet Decision To Warn Of Sharia Law

The Obama administration recently snubbed calls to hand over oversight of the Internet to the United Nations-led International Telecommunication Union by instead relinquishing control to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, a nonprofit founded by the US Department of Commerce.

Immediately, right-wing activists misrepresented the decision to claim just the opposite, warning that the move will actually give the UN control of the Internet.

Today in WorldNetDaily, anti-Muslim activist Pamela Geller falsely claims that President Obama gave control of the Internet to the UN and suggests that the move will lead to Islamic censorship laws and maybe even the outlawing of her website.

Global governance of the Internet. “Global governance?” As in the U.N.? And who and what drives the U.N.? The largest voting bloc at the U.N. is what drives its policies, and that is the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, or OIC. The historian Bat Ye’or describes the OIC this way: “The OIC is one of the largest intergovernmental organizations in the world. It encompasses 56 Muslim states plus the Palestinian Authority. Spread over four continents, it claims to speak in the name of the ummah (the universal Muslim community), which numbers about 1.3 billion. The OIC’s mission is to unite all Muslims worldwide by rooting them in the Koran and the Sunnah – the core of traditional Islamic civilization and values. It aims at strengthening solidarity and cooperation among all its members, in order to protect the interests of Muslims everywhere and to galvanize the ummah into a unified body.”

The Organization of the Islamic Cooperation will undoubtedly demand the suppression of websites that “insult Islam” or “encourage hatred,” and they won’t be referring to jihad forums that foment violence and incite to slaughter. The WSJ explains: “According to the administration’s announcement, the Commerce Department will not renew its agreement with Icann, which dates to 1998. This means, effective next year, the U.S. will no longer oversee the ‘root zone file,’ which contains all names and addresses for websites world-wide. If authoritarian regimes in Russia, China and elsewhere get their way, domains could be banned and new ones not approved for meddlesome groups such as Ukrainian-independence organizations or Tibetan human-rights activists.”

Readers of my website,, are well aware of the goals of the OIC. It has already gotten passed a proposal in the U.N., backed by Muslim nations, urging the passage of laws around the world protecting religion from criticism. Islam is the only religion specifically named as deserving protection.

Websites like mine are the ones that dare speak of the truth of Islam and report on the jihad and the terrible human rights abuses, the persecution of Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, etc., the oppression of women and children, the murder of nonbelievers, the brutal imposition of Shariah law, Islamic supremacism, academic jihad, social jihad, cultural jihad, Shariah finance, stealth jihad and the galloping global jihad. The corrupt media are already subdued and self-censor. The net is all there is.

Back in 2009, Obama threatened such anti-freedom action; I wrote about it at the time. He backed off after the American people and the Congress protested.

Where are the American people now?