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Orly Taitz Tries and Fails Yet Again to Prove Her Conspiracy Theories


Birther queen Orly Taitz remains isolated in her quest to prove that Barack Obama was not born in the United States and is ineligible to be president. In an interview with Vic Eliason on VCY America, Taitz alleges that Barack Obama’s Social Security number is invalid, insists that “we are getting very close to a dictatorship” in the United States today, and expresses disappointment that she has not received support from fellow birthers Donald Trump and Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona.

Taitz claimed that Obama’s Social Security number is a “Connecticut number which was issued to another individual,” and states that the number he is using is “not a valid number.” She was stunned that her “persuasive” evidence was rejected by courts in Georgia. Taitz concludes that judges continue to shoot down her allegations against the president not because they are wrong, but because the conspiracy goes all the way to the top. Eliason affirms this belief, asserting that judges are merely “intimidated” by “dealing with a case that is so volatile, [that involves] the highest executive in our country.”

Eliason: I cannot understand at a time when the vetting of a presidential candidate, checking if they are qualified, how all of this can be just brushed aside like a fly on the table and ignored completely when there’s been an awful lot of evidence brought forth.

Taitz: You should ask the judges, people are allowed to write to a judge and ask those questions, I’m the person who brings all this evidence. You know I had a case in Georgia and there I spent a lot of money, I spent $14,000, I brought witnesses, I brought a senior deportation officer from the Department of Homeland Security testifying that Barack Obama’s social security number is invalid, that it’s a Connecticut number which was issued to another individual, we brought E-Verify showing that this number that he’s using that he posted on his tax returns that he put online that it’s not a valid number. We had all the evidence and at the end the judge there ruled that it’s not persuasive enough and to me it’s just hard to believe, how could that not be persuasive enough, when you have a senior deportation officer providing this evidence?

Eliason: Could it be Dr. Taitz that there are judges who are so intimidated dealing with a case that is so volatile, dealing with the highest executive in our country, and then to find — I think maybe there are those that say they are afraid of the truth because if this comes to light and it is verified there is going to be egg all over the face of who knows how many.

Taitz: Yeah, yeah.

Taitz said that her inability to remove Obama from the ballot is further proof that “we are getting very close to a dictatorship” akin to the Soviet Union.

Eliason: Folks the thing that has me bewildered, Dr. Taitz, is if someone is an imposter, someone who is portraying something that they are not, if they were caught flying an airplane and they weren’t a pilot or somebody in a bank that was functioning in a way that they were not qualified, you wouldn’t wait for six months or a year to deal with it, you deal with it immediately, why is it that elections suddenly bring immunity?

Taitz: You know I lived in the Soviet Union which was a dictatorship and now we’re seeing such enormous corruption in the government that we are getting very close to a dictatorship.

Yet even the greatest supporters of the birther movement have failed to back Taitz. Taitz was “disheartened” that Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a leader of the “Cold Case Posse,” did not show up at her trial to testify. Donald Trump has also been unresponsive to Taitz.

Taitz: I have to say that I attempted to subpoena Sheriff Joseph Arpaio and I’m really disheartened by the fact that he did not show up, we tried to subpoena him in Georgia, Mississippi and Indiana and I’m really concerned about the fact that Sheriff Arpaio went around the country, raised several millions of dollars on this issue, did press conferences, but when he is asked when appear in court, either he or Mr. [Mike] Zullo, and I was willing to pay for them to fly here, they are not appearing in court. That’s something hopefully your listeners will address with Mr. Arpaio because if he would’ve been here today there is a very high likelihood that the judge would’ve granted a preliminary injunction.

Taitz: For example, Donald Trump, you know he talks about this quite a lot but I don’t see him, I’ve never heard back, he never donated one cent, just to give you an idea, it is extremely hard for me to put up evidence.